Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Would you swap your body?

Matt Pianalto wrote to us about a small-scale experiment he tried out in one of his classes.

Suppose that it was possible for you to trade out your present body for a different one. And suppose that you get to pick from some selection of bodies. Your mind would be transferred to the new body, with no loss of memory, thought, mental ability, etc. (Your mind and its contents would be preserved wholly intact.) The only thing that would change is the body you inhabit. The trade will be permanent, in that your present body will be discarded once the mind-transfer process is complete. Would you want to trade in your present body for a different one?

He also had students indicate whether they were male or female, and whether they’d choose a male or female body. My guess, given high levels of dissatisfaction would have been that more women than men would choose to swap– and that a huge number of them would do so. But he found the opposite. He also had no students (in his class of 31) who chose a body with a sex different from that of their current body. Thoughts? (Thanks, Matt!)


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