Thursday, September 3, 2009

Crazy bank holiday

Picture by Norm Yip

Well, that was a crazy bank holiday weekend… Some good things came out of it.

On Friday I was supposed to meet a Thai guy coming to London for the weekend but he couldn’t make it in the end. Almost at the same time I got a message from a guy I was supposed to have a date with a few weeks ago.

Last time he cancelled the day before. Apparently, he had been to the hairdresser and something had gone horribly wrong so he didn’t want me to see him yet. Then after a few more messages, we lost contact.

He had just gone again and this time his haircut was good enough for public exposure and wanted to meet. So I agreed to meet him for dinner.

We got in touch after the EH incident, at the time I thought I should up the age range a bit to find a bit more stability in my dates. JF is 30, from Malaysia and has been living here for quite a while.

We went to a Japanese restaurant in town and had a nice time. We got on well. Conversation was easy but didn’t totally flow. When we finished we started walking towards Soho talking about what we could do, I suggested a drink. He agreed but said he wouldn’t drink himself. So we were wondering what to do instead and listing possibilities when going home came up; as soon as I said that his answer was “is that an invitation?”.

So home we went. Although shy the guy clearly knows what he wants and just needs to be given a bit of a chance to ask for it. I later found he had brought his toiletries bag with him so clearly he had it quite clear in his mind.

Soon after arriving home we were kissing in the sofa and very soon after we moved on to the bedroom…

He left after noon at the same time as me. I was meeting a guy I’ve been chatting online with to go sunbathing in Hampstead Heath. This one is for friends and we had a good relaxed afternoon before dinner time.

The plan for the night was meeting LO to go to Matinée. A couple of days ago the guy I met the day before my trip to Barcelona contacted me and asked if I wanted to go there as well so I invited him to join us. I wanted to make LO a bit jealous, and I think it worked. As soon as the guy and I arrived to meet LO he was all over me, more than usual.

Not that the other guy was going to let that happen so easily so it was fun to get the attention from both all night. At the end of the night I was talking to LO when he asked if I wanted to go to his place, I wasn’t sure whether he was just teasing again but I quickly answered he was too tired for that.

Matinée was great fun, although it was ridiculous we had to queue for an hour just to leave our jackets in the cloakroom, I mean, it can’t be that hard to organise that a bit better, can it?

Anyway, it was a long fun night and ended up with each of us going home only when the tube reopened.

The next day I spent sleeping. But in the evening I met the Thai guy I couldn’t see on Friday. We met for dinner at a semi-local and then back home where he spent the night. Nice guy but he lives in Leeds so I could only see him from time to time, and I am not planning excursions up north to visit him.

Monday was a bit more relaxed. It was time for coffees. I met yet another new guy I’d chatted recently. I see this one as a potential friend but I think he may be looking for a bit more. He did suggest I may give him some very “private” Spanish lessons.

After coffee, I met JF again for dinner. Just as on Friday we had a nice time and got to know him a bit better. When we finished he asked to come home for a cuddle. I had to say no, the weekend had left me exhausted and I needed to do some cleaning up and laundry – D was coming next day from Singapore! I’ve been looking forward to that for so long.

Before saying goodbye JF asked if he could see me this week, but I’m going to be busy. He seems like a good guy and keen on me, I think he has some good potential so you will be reading more about him soon – I hope.

D will be staying home this week, shame I have to work. We’re going to Paris on Saturday and I’ll be coming back on Wednesday morning while he goes to his final destination where he’s going to spend the rest of the year: Prague.


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