Saturday, September 19, 2009

Another ACORN Worker Found - This Time in the White House - While New San Diego, CA Video Shows More ACORN Corruption

An ACORN here and an ACORN there really adds up to a lot of nuts. That’s why when a country picks a groomed-by-the-Left smooth talker to become President, along with a compliant porkulus Congress completely ready, able, and willing to give up their power, thus the Peoples’ power, to a shadowy government by the Czar of czars, that country must de-nut the whole system in order to maintain the Republic of the People, by the People, and FOR THE PEOPLE!!! We should NOT be a People by the czars, of the czars, and FOR the King of the czars, should we? 


This is why The American People, despite the Obama News Media that tried to ’Charles Gibson’ it to the “cables” as an unworthy story for their pro-Obama Propaganda Purposes and Agendas, are DEMANDING WITH  A LOUD VOICE AN IRREVOCABLE END TO THIS EVIL, DANGEROUS, CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION in our nation.


Sean Hannity, who IS a Great American Hero (this has nothing to do with salvation) for leading the way in charging full-steam-ahead with EXPOSING this radical organization, along with Glenn Beck, who is now a national hero that America has fallen in love with, and Bill O’Reilly, all have played a major roll in helping to expose the Truth of the corruption of ACORN so that American can decide what to do with it and those involved with it.

Now we have ANOTHER TAPE OF ACORN CORRUPTION for you to see.


In this latest video, we have James O’Keefe, another national hero – the one who plays the ‘pimp’ in all the videos - asking a San Diego California ACORN worker if Tijuana is the best place to bring UNDERAGE girls for a CHILD PROSTITUTION RING. He replied “yes,” because he has a lot of contacts there who can assist in bringing them across the border.

But the ACORN twists and turns don’t stop there. We have yet an ADDITIONAL ACORN IN THE WHITE HOUSE other than the Kingpin of  ACORN himself, Barack Obama.

Answering a question about ACORN, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that the “conduct that you see on those tapes is completely unacceptable. I think everyone would agree with that. The administration takes accountability extremely seriously,” Gibbs continued.

But does the President REALLY take accountability ‘extremely seriously?’ If so, then why is the White House STILL directing people to ACORN for a ’get out the vote’ drive? Wait a minute, does this mean I am a racist if I ask really hard questions of President Obama? Maybe I should probably ask Jimmy Carter and Bill Cosby about that.

America is watching and demanding answers and results as she learns more about the group that Obama is intricately involved with - and has been for many years.



  In other news, 7 former C.I.A. chiefs send letter to Obama asking him to STOP the political ‘witch hunt’ against our brave C.I.A. men and women who were only doing their jobs (successfully, I might add)  for our country.

Here is where you can take a poll asking whether or not YOU think the Justice Department should immediately freeze ACORN operations and assets until it completes a thorough criminal investigation. Please take this poll if you can. Thank you.

Here is a list of Senators and Congressmen and women who support ACORN. See if your so-called ‘Representative’ is on the list.

Thank you for all your hard work in trying to defeat Obamacare, ACORN, socialism, Washington D.C. corruption and radicalism in the White House.


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