Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sex and the art of Cricketing

Finally the report is out! Gary Kirsten has come out with his report on sex and cricket. It was known that he was working on something of this sort, when he was cited with various girls, surreptitiously moving around. Instead of coaching the Indian Team, he was found more in bars, restaurants and clubs, gathering material for his research. The next day morning in the field, he was found to be drowsy, mumbling something which was not understood by the team but was too afraid to ask.

The report presumes that the cricketers are not already having enough sex! It is also not clear as to whom to have sex with! Married cricketers are interpreting it that it doesn’t include sex with wife, because the results in that case could be unnerving instead of being otherwise. The gay activists are gathering in New York City tomorrow to, discuss their stand on the issue.

The politicians got a wind of these reports much before it was published, and are scrambling for a berth in the team, if not as a player at least as a Manager, assistant to Manager etc. I am not saying Narendra Modi, took over as the President of Gujarat Cricket Association, only a few days back, only in this context.

What is true for cricketers should be true for any other profession. Cops knew better than Kirsten, and they take to rape, whenever circumstances permitted. After all chasing criminals needs equal aggression if not more.

Chandu Borde, a former cricketer, has exclaimed that ‘ this was something new’! It is not clear whether he meant sex.

The presentation by the Coach, is also silent about the spectators. Should the spectators have sex before watching or not is the million $ question. The stands may be provided with sex booths as a bonus. A player could be seen signaling for the twelfth man to take his place, only to have a ‘quickie’ before he bowled the final over.

Now on a serious note the Kirsten report goes entirely against popular notions, though he claims that the findings are based on scientific evidence. He is going by the reported increase in testosterone levels after intercourse and that would be the clincher for getting more aggressive on the field.

What he is overlooking is the fact that aggression could be only on bed and not with bat.

It is a proven fact that good sex relaxes the nerves, and not fortifies them. You release the pent up energy and not build it up. Osho says sex energy is the base energy on which all other energies depend. If a man has regular sex he wouldn’t do any work. That is why the society, has built protective layers of taboo around sex. The soldiers are denied sex, because they build enough aggression with out it. Only the hungry dog bites. A well-fed dog lies down and simply growls from the dog house. According to Osho, even art is diversion of sex energy. If artists have enough they may not get enough inspiration, he says.

My concern is, we are already over populated and imagine the cricket- population adding to it. What if the population explodes and the runs diminish on the score board. To my eyes there appears to be a ‘foreign hand’ behind this move.

India beware!

The moral police is coming!

Sampath, please stop. Enough!


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