Wednesday, September 23, 2009

sweet dreams are made of these

the first place we checked out was a place that opened about a couple of weeks ago. we walked down a spiral of steps with mirrors left, right and centre.  i felt like i was in some ‘alice in wonderland‘ maze thing hoping i wouldn’t get lost! it was such a struggle to find where i was going and  it was tripping me out seeing reflection’s of myself wherever i looked! it also didn’t help that i was slightly tipsy.

we walked in and it was a fairly small place.  people were looking at us; whether it was because we were a couple or maybe because i sported a short skirt and that my boobs were WAY bigger than the stripper that was up on stage…i’ll never know. 

the girl on stage wasn’t too bad and she was rubbing herself up and down the pole as we took a seat at the very front of the stage. the boy leant in to whisper in my ear,

“you’re body is way better than hers…and so are your tits..“

this was something he liked to do, and he did it a few more time throughout the night and even reminded me of it the next day.

i noticed that stripper’s tend to hold back for some reason when i’m there with my bf, maybe because they think i’m there to keep an eye on him.  but the truth is, i was the one that brought him there! if they only knew…

i looked around and saw how the girls worked their magic…flirting and giving them slight lil touches on the shoulder and giggling..then taking them in for a private lapdance. an instant $50 for 2mins work…you gotta love the way stripper’s have it GOING ON! 

we didn’t stay for long even though the music was good and the place was nice, the girls and the crowd just weren’t doing it for us. they were all amateur girls starting off their stripping career and we wanted something more than just a girl rubbing herself up against a pole. at first i was reluctant to leave because the girl that was up on stage was trying to flirt with me and i didn’t wana be rude and leave. but i had no choice when the boy stood up, i had to follow his lead to the next club he had in mind…



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