Thursday, October 1, 2009

Roman Polanski... was it rape?

So now we hear that it’s ok to have sex with a thirteen year old as long she doesn’t say no.

There’s rape and there’s rape… and well, he IS Roman Rolanski. So he was actually doing her a favor by supposedly getting her so drugged up on champagne and ‘Ludes’ she had NO idea of what was going on.

Quaaludes by themselves are ENOUGH to do that. Trust me on my knowing this… i just made it into my mid-fifties… do the math… ’nuff said?

Anyway, so Roman Polanski supposedly gets this girl doped up and then allegedly proceeds to rape her. Oh yeah, HE says she agreed… i would think he would say that. Who is going to question the Great Roman Polanski? And just why is he so revered?

Be—cause he is one of the greatest directors of all time. Puh-leeze, Chinatown was good… well Faye Dunaway was good, but i kinda think her and Candice Bergen… i’ll stop there.

But the fact remains: anyone else other than the Great Roman Polanski does something like this and they are vilified and the crowds are screaming for their heads on a stake.

Oh, if it wasn’t rape, why did he run off to Europe, always making sure never to enter a country from which he might extradited back to the States from? Hmmmm…?

A forced sexual act whether the person is cognizant of the act or not is RAPE!

Yes RAPE! One, she was WELL under 18. Under the law, she is not capable of giving her consent. Two, she was in NO condition, even if she had been FIVE YEARS OLDER to give her consent. Under either of these conditions she is unable to enter into a contract. And allowing someone to perform a sex act with her constitutes a verbal contract. She was neither old enough or clear-headed enough to enter into said verbal contract.

I’m seeing an unintended consequence here also: if this holds up…

getting a thirteen year old drugged up and taking advantage of her sexually doesn’t qualify as RAPE… the precedent this may set could set womens advocacy, rape prevention and prosecutions back fifty years.

“Well, yer honor… yeah, i knowd she was thirteen, and after a bottle a’ Jim Beam… why hell, neither ov us knew what we was a’doin’. But she was ok with it. I mean she nodded when i asked her ’bout doin’ it.”

Well, if your name is Roman Polanski… it just might work.


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