Tuesday, October 6, 2009

File under - 'Silly comments by middle-aged university managers'

“Last week I was walking across the DCU campus when I came upon a frantic young man in a car who, as he told me, had an urgent appointment in the university but couldn’t find anywhere to park. On this occasion I was able to help him, but these days we have constant car parking issues. In his book, The Uses of the University, Clark Kerr, the late chancellor of the University of California at Berkeley, suggested that a university president has three key tasks that the institution’s main stakeholders will expect to see achieved: ’sex for the students, athletics for the alumni, and parking for the faculty’. Only the last of these, Kerr suggested, presented a problem …” (more)

[Ferdinand von Prondzynski, Irish Times, 6 October]

[Via http://9thlevelireland.wordpress.com]

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