Sunday, October 25, 2009

Part-9 "The Pink Cadillac"



Anna and Morgan followed the Sargent back to an area of mostly desks, and sat down with him at his own.

“Now how can I help you Young ladies today?” He said as he looked down at his paperwork.

“Well sir, we were wondering if you knew anything about April Worthen?” Anna said. The Sargent gave a bit of a crooked squint, as his eyes rose from the papers to young Anna’s face.

“What’s that name you said?”

“April Worthen..” Morgan said, backing up Anna.

“Now why on earth would the two of you be in here askin’ me ’bout that girl? Surely the two of you know better than to come in here and try to prank me?”

“No sir! I mean, we wouldn’t prank you sir.” Anna said.

“We think we bought that chicks car is all. How could we find out if it is?” Morgan said. Anna elbowed her. She didn’t want him knowing about the car, not really, but too late now, she thought.

“Well she owned a pink Cadillac, but it was destroyed when she went over that bridge at Shaw Lake. No body was real sure how it happened, but her father had found out what she’d been up to with murdering those college boys. Five of ‘em to be exact.”

“Why did she do it?” Morgan asked?

“Nobody really knows, she was troubled that’s all. Darn shame too, she was an honer role student from an upstanding family. She just snapped, not sure why, maybe a schizo. Strange thing is…” he leaned in, and spoke at a whisper. “These new killings are so similar, but that girls long gone. It’s gotta be a copy cat. But you girls be careful out there, most of these folks are young men, so don’t you trust anybody.”

“Why would those jocks get into a car with a dude?” Morgan asked.

“Well, I don’t know, but you just never know.” the Sargent replied. “Could be female copycat.”

“What makes you so sure it’s a copycat?”

Anna asked.

“Same carvings, just new numbers. That Worthen girl went to an all Catholic girl school, Saint Michaels, you know the one over off of Wexler? Well, she carved numbers into her victims, labeling them, number one, two, three, and so on, all the way up to fifth and final one, only it was in Latin.”

“And she learned it from the Catholic school!” announced Morgan, happy that she got it.

“You bet she did.” said the Sargent.

“Sargent Finney, who were her parents?”

Anna asked.

“Old Tom Worth is her daddy, and I forget her mothers name, but she’s a real sweet gal, quiet, stays to herself mostly. They have a boy too, he’s a senior this year. I see ‘em now and again. He drives a sweet car, a black, 2006, Chevrolet, Monte Carlo SS.”

“That’s quite a mouthful.” Morgan said as she slouched back into the chair a bit more.

“That’s alright, now you girls really should get on outta here, I’ve got a ton of paperwork to get done and not much time left to do it in, that means working over, and I hate that. Besides that, nobody ’round here gets any overtime lately anyway.” And a few detectives close enough to hear the Sargent laughed.

“Just a minute, now Sargent about the car, you said that it was destroyed when she went over the bridge. So she was in the car, and it fell, and went down into the lake, and she drowned?” Anna said.

“Yes, that’s correct.” the Sargent replied.

“And as far as you know the car was trashed after that?” Anna asked him as he popped to pieces of hard candy into his over sized mouth.

“Yep, I think so. Now I really do have to get back to work girls.” he juggled the candy and the words carefully.

The two left the building, and back into the pink Cadillac, yep, (that they now know for a fact that someone died in), they went. They were uneasy to get in but they knew that April wasn’t trying to hurt them.

Anna tried to put the thoughts that she might be the new copycat killer out of her mind for now. She had to concentrate on figuring out why April really killed those young college sports jocks, and what it had to do with her, and the rest of the town.


To Be Continued…





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