Saturday, October 24, 2009

Part-6 "The Pink Cadillac"



Morgan and Anna decided that they would spend the weekend together. First Morgan would stay the night with Anna, and then Anna would stay over at Morgan’s. They would try to get each other through it. Billy agreed to spend as much of the weekend watching over Anna as he could. Anna felt like it was she who should be watching over him, after all it was the male population that seamed to be targeted. Although none of that mattered to her parents. They insisted that the two girls were together at all times, when ever they went out_ they agreed.

After school, Friday night, the girls went out to rent movies, and grab some burgers from the local burger joint. Root beer floats, and double cheeseburgers with extra pickles, and extra ketchup. It was the Friday night ritual, either a large sausage and pepperoni pizza, and a Two liter of cola, or the burgers and floats. They went straight home this time though, no foolin’ around, no sir. There was a killer out there, and everyone was talking about it. Kids were scared, and parents were mortified. It was happening all right, right there on their streets, in there town, at their schools, in their lives, and not a soul could believe it was happening to them. No on ever thinks that it will happen to them, and then it does.

The girls went home, and watched too much TV, and ate too many burgers, and drank far to much their root beer floats, but in the end they had, for the most part, kept themselves occupied enough to actually not think about the murders all evening long. Then Molly called down to the girls that it was time to hit the sack. It was 12:02am and the girls agreed they’d had enough for one night.

Teeth brushed and night gowns on, they slipped into bed. Anna had a queen sized bed, so whenever Morgan stayed over she would just bunk with Anna. Morgan was usually a heavy sleeper, but tonight would be different somehow.

Morgan asked Anna if she wanted to talk about “it” and she said that she didn’t. She prayed for the boys that had been killed, and Morgan concurred at the end with a “Uh, huh” and an “Amen to that!” once or twice. Still Anna felt uneasy about the whole thing, but she decided that she would take Morgan’s approach and “let it go” The two were out like a flame in the wind.

Then…the dreams, exactly as they were before the same girl, the same events, over and over. Then 1:21am, and Anna’s body arose once more as if she were entranced. She put on her makeup, and got herself dressed all the while barely within herself, and then she slipped out the window, never once waking Morgan.

As soon as she got into the car, whatever was left of Anna was gone, and the spirit was in charge again. She rolled out of the driveway as she did before. Then she turned over the engine, it didn’t make the noise that it would normally make as it ignited. It was quiet. It was impossible actually, but there it was happening, and she was on her way.

She went straight towards the same hangouts from before. Tonight was game night, and she had no trouble finding her next victims. She would find two perfectly good specimens at the parking lot of the South circuit Sea Hawks game. Another team in the district. Showered and iced, the two football stars came out of the building next to the main entrance of the school.

“Need a ride boys?” she said, and that’s all she wrote. As soon as they got in that car, whether they knew it or not, they were toast. She took them out to a different part of the park, that was still near Shaw Lake. She hated that lake but it was the only way. She would have sex with them this time, wild animal sex, the kind that made you think you fucked a meat cleaver the day after.

When she was finished having her fun, she was kissing one of them, and called the other to her to kiss him as well. She then pushed them together, and they began to kiss one another. A clear fluid began to drain from her mouth and then from the two boys also.

They were laughing hysterically, not unafraid like the others had been, no, they were somehow entranced by having sex with her. She had them under her spell, and they weren’t afraid at all. But then, the water kept coming, then more came_ gallons of it, and then the blackened lake grass, and they choked and coughed and riled around on the ground. She went to the car for the pocket knife she’d swiped from the work bench in the garage. She went up to the both of them as they began to seem aware of what was going on now, and were extremely afraid of what they were experiencing.

Suddenly, she began slapping them, one at a time across the face. First with her left hand then the right, over and over, several times each.

“You fucking pigs!” she screamed again and again. “I hate you!” She stood back and weeped, as much as she could as out of breath as she was. “Your gonna die…” she said in a childlike voice. “Your gonna die..”

They were both on the ground nearly gone now, but not quite, and she began to pull out the knife and carve into the first boy’s leg the letters o-c-t-o and then she forced the knife into the boy’s lower stomach. She then went to the other boy and began to carve the letters n-o-v-e-m and then she leaned down over him and whispered to him as she slid the knife over his neck, slicing it like a warm pear.

“Shh…You have to be quiet now sweetheart.” she whispered.

To Be Continued… 


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