Saturday, October 17, 2009

Skin Deep

Me and my new boobies are getting along verrry well. I love how I look naked and clothed and how they feel in my hands and oh just everything about them but I had in a way expected to feel this way or rather before the surgery I had hoped that I would feel this way and I am ecstatic that I do! The part that is surprising in a pleasant way is that Luke *loves* them. I mean I, of course, didn’t think he would hate them but  he really didn’t want me to have the surgery and maintained that I looked beautiful already (the sweetie) and even said he didn’t like large breasts so the best I expected from him was enthusiasm for my happiness… he, however, has developed his own enthusiasm for the girls. *g*

And… I am SO turned on by how turned on he is becoming by them. You know that look of sheer appreciation and lust you get from your lover when you put on some new sexy lingerie? And the lust in their eyes makes you feel oh s0 sexy and so turned on? Every time he looks at me these days, it’s just like that! I know that part of the novelty will wear off as we both get used to my new body but it’s just so good to know that he loves them just as much as I do and the way he looks at them and touches them drives me positively wild.

As a matter of fact, considering it’s only been 3 weeks since my surgery and I still have another 3 weeks during which I have to make sure not to strain anything, we both are becoming positively carried away. If my nipples weren’t so incredibly sensitive (which might be from nerve recovery or the fact that it’s just before my period, I mean a mere breath of air can cause agonizing pain), we might have done some damage indeed!

You know… I know this sounds incredibly sappy but Luke has always had a way of looking at me like I am the most beautiful creature on earth. And it’s amazing to have someone like that in your life… someone who will look at you like that even when you feel fat and ugly and even if you don’t even believe at the moment that he truly thinks you are that beautiful… it’s still a wonderful feeling.

For example, yesterday I was dressed for gym and since I am still supposed to be taking it easy and need extra support, I was only wearing a grey v-neck shirt over an industrial strength bra as opposed to my usual Lulu wear which *I* consider more sexy. I called downstairs to Luke to remind him of something and he looked up and gave me that look which made me smile because as I said it’s just before my period and I feel compelled to eat anything and everything and I just feel kind of gross right now. He then ran upstairs to give me a hug and while I was in his arms he says, “You know I loved you when you were “softer”… but you look sooo good now!” *laughing* Of course by “soft” he meant fat which is the sweetest way I have ever heard it stated.

One thing about being overweight was that I didn’t feel good enough about myself to ever be fully naked. It’s not a unique experience by any means and it’s something that made me very unhappy. Back then, once in a while Luke would say he wanted to feel my skin against his and that he missed it which at the time usually made me feel worse. Since I’ve been feeling good enough about myself to be naked again, he’s been ecstatic. So yesterday, while he was still holding me, he said that it always made him sad that I felt uncomfortable about being naked and that he was hurt that I may be covering up because I thought he would find me unattractive. He had never really said that before to me and it made me smile. I am also kind of sad I got so upset at him back then for bring up a “touchy” subject.

Like I said, it’s wonderful to have someone love and appreciate you like that. And this is one of many of his good sides and one the many reasons I love him.

So here’s me about a week after the surgery. The bra is too low in this picture because the implants still felt too firm for the bra to settle in.

I’ll put up a picture after 6 weeks is done for comparison.

I don’t think anyone should have any plastic surgery because they feel like they “should” or for someone else’s approval and pleasure… but if it’s for you and only for you, if it’s something that will make you happy, by all means go for it. Of course, do your research and read as much as you can about the procedure, the surgeon, the results and the pros and cons. Read about the risks and the after care. If you can, find a good holistic nutritionist or a homeopath to prep you before and help improve your healing after. For example, my surgeon is very happy with my healing and said I had healed better than most. Right after surgery I had no sensation in one nipple but I took a remedy and I recovered feeling within hours. According to my surgeon, it could take up to 2 years for sensation to return so I certainly appreciate that I have homeopathy at my disposal. 

Part of the reason I am so happy is that I knew from my research what I could and could not expect from the procedure. A lot of people with whom I spoke that were unhappy felt that way because they expected miracles which is beyond surgery.

Right now, as per instructions, I am rubbing the incisions with Bio-oil since apparently my skin type makes for killer scars which we are trying to minimize. I am not worried. The incisions are practically invisible anyhow.

Oh in other news: Blue came home today from his vacation with his breeder family. He was there because it’s always good for a dog to reconnect with his pack and our breeder always has a dozen of her own Danes plus any number of guest doggies so it’s great fun. Also with him out of the house we could maintain a better level of hygiene for my after-surgery sanitary care. Those big paws can drag un quite a bit of street dirt even after they get wiped! He looks worn out and thin from all the exercise he got at the farm and was verrrry happy to see his mommy and daddy. The cats, who had thought they were rid of him, are not so happy. Oh well!

All is once more well in Chloe Land!


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