Sunday, October 4, 2009

I Hate You... Now, Can We Have Sex?

Dagny’s Entry [October 4, 2009]

Recently, I read a posting on a public site that had the following subject line: “Ladies listen closely, no BJ on the first date = no second date.” The author of this post went on to detail [in quite graphic terms] his feelings about women in general and what it was that he expected in exchange for having “blown hard earned cash and listening to your bullshit” all evening [I would have given you what he wrote, but unfortunately -- or fortunately, if you are a woman in the Washington DC area-- the post was removed].  All I could think as I read this was “Wow, a hostile man who expects oral sex in exchange for dinner?  Why that’s every woman’s dream date!”

Men [and women] can be such morons when it comes to attracting members of the opposite sex.  They will do things that are the antithesis of what it is they want to have happen, and then when it doesn’t happen, they will loudly complain to anyone that will listen that all members of the opposite sex are [fill in the negative stereotype here].  Women tend to do things that are viewed as “playing games.” They will toy with a man’s attention, affection, and, frequently, his genitals and then use emotional blackmail [i.e. tears] to get what they want.  It’s a cruel game, for certain, but for some reason men respond to it, and I think I’ve finally figured out what that reason is — many, many men are just plain stupid.

Now, I know, if you are a man, you’re probably sitting there thinking “WTF?! How can she say men are stupid?  She doesn’t know me!”  And that, my friend, is the root of the problem.  You’ve just jumped into the dangerous waters of ego versus woman.  I say men are stupid and you must immediately prove to me that you are the exception to the rule even though I’ve cast not a single aspersion on your individual character, but I’m going to save that Psych 101 lesson for another post.  Today I want to talk about the men who are haters.  

Haters are the guys that do things that embarrass and shame their fellow man to the point that they will create blogs designed to publicly identify the stupidity of said men and ridicule them in a way that is designed to get them to stop what they’re doing and think [Why Women Hate Men].  Folks, these are the men who not only fail to think about what it actually takes to attract women, they also seem to actively dislike women and, yet, they still want to have sex with them.

What never fails to surprise me about the Haters is that they will openly express their feelings in a way that disparages women. Their insults are used as a means of attracting and seducing a woman, and what amazes me is that they actually believe that a woman might be aroused by this.  A Hater believes that the words “cunt” or a “bitch” are seductive turn-ons and that the liberal use of them will result in a woman falling to her knees as she moans for the privilege of doing nothing more than pleasing him.

These also seem to be the guys who also have a very healthy sense of self. They actually believe that they are the answer to the prayers of every woman on earth [Enough is Enough Ladies].  They have the misguided notion that their own assessment [and over-estimation] of their looks, money and/or sexual prowess will overcome any personality defects and cause women to fall at their feet.  This may work for, oh say, a billionaire, for the average guy, it’s not going to result in a check mark in the “desired qualities” column for any self-respecting woman.

Some Haters will even use reverse psychology to try and attract women.  As if being told that I’ll be a replacement for the ex [or current] girlfriend [who is always a raving lunatic] will be enough to “dare” me into dating or screwing a guy [Single Male Needs Girlfriend].  No dice.

I always wonder what the decent guys think of the Haters.  I did see a response to Mr. No Blow Job, No Second Date, and  I’m fairly certain was another man it was a man who said, “dude, you are a fucktard for so many reasons and you are the reason women are hard to talk to anymore actually i think by reading your post my fucking I.Q. dropped.”  This gives me a small glimmer of hope.

Now, if only I could find a way to address the problem of the women who are attracted to these losers…

What say you?


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