Want to keep the flame of passion glowing
Most men remain curious as to what turns a woman on. We all know which female body parts men most frequently like to explore during lovemaking. Do you know she has pleasure sensors all over her body beyond the usual areas (vagina, breasts and butt)? Getting her into the mood may be as easy as stimulating some of these often-neglected pleasure points. Incorporating the act of touching these places into foreplay and sex, or just giving her some pleasure after a hard day, will definitely “add sparks” to your relationship.
Let’s start exploring her from top to bottom:
(1) Hair
Women take a lot of pride in their hair. They like men to use their hands to stroke their hair. Let your fingers massage circles from her temples to the back of her neck.
(2) Lips
If you know how to manipulate her lips just through kissing, licking, sucking and biting, it is very possible that a kiss will lead to a lot more than that. Use your lips, tongue and your teeth to play with her top and bottom lip and kiss her with absolute passion.
(3) Ears
Many women enjoy having their ears licked, sucked or kissed. Touching, kissing and even lightly biting the ear lobes of your woman will make her feel special.
(4) Back of her neck
Once you can get to this area, place a few light kisses there. There is also a good place to start giving her some sensual massage that she can find it hard to resist.
(5) Collar bone
When you begin to undress your woman, you should take the time to kiss and lick her collar bone. The reason for this is because it sends the feel good hormones to her brain.
(6) Wrists
This may comes as a surprise to most guys but women love having their wrists nuzzled and nibbled by their lovers.
(7) Palms of her hands
Tracing your finger along her palm will give her some delightful shivers. This is a good way to start stimulating her and gradually bring her into the mood when out on the street.
(8) Breasts
The breasts are very sexually sensitive such that gentle fondling, squeezing, caressing, licking and sucking of the nipples can be extremely arousing. Depending on how sensitive the woman is, after stroking the nipples for a while, you can see them get hardened and erected just like penis.
(9) Pelvis
Kissing and licking around her pelvis will excite her until she begs for more.
Lots of women like it when you play around with their behinds. A lot of women like mild spanking and squeezing of their buttocks. But some women like having their butts lick and suck.
(11)Behind her knees
Most men don’t know that this area is quite sensitive. Gently caressing the back of the knee under her skirts while both of you are in a public place will make her ready for action once you reach home.
(12)Inner thighs
If you want to tease your girl before having sex, just focus on kissing and rubbing her inner thighs will turn her on.
Many women enjoy having their feet touched, massaged and some even enjoy having them licked and sucked. Women enjoy it when their men spend time caressing their soles, toes and ankles. Because these zones can be quite ticklish, the sensation of ticklishness can be quite pleasant for her.
The clitoris (which is a small protrusion just above the opening of the vagina) can be stimulated by using the tongue or finger. When a woman is aroused, blood will flow to the clitoris, making the protrusion more pronounced. In the vagina, there is the so-called G-spot that can produce intense sexual feelings when stimulated. It is located about 2 inches inside the vagina on the topside (near to the underside of her stomach).
These are the pleasure points on a woman’s body that can turn her on. Not every woman is the same. Some women have some preference areas that they like to be stimulated while others have some no-go areas. As you explore, you will learn which places your touch has the best effect on and which you should avoid.
The critical thing to remember is when it comes to sex, every woman is different. You can do everything right. You can make all the right moves with your fingers, lips and tongue and still not able to drive her crazy.
There are 2 things you should take note:
(1) Pay attention
When you try to find out about her pleasure points that are applicable to her, you shouldn’t just do it mechanically. You need to listen to changes in her breathing, the way her skin softens and her muscles tighten, the way her blood flushes beneath her skin in her face and breasts, the way she moans.
(2) Stay connected
She needs to feel connected in order to feel relaxed with you. Look up at her and make eye contact once in a while. Stop and tell her how much you are enjoying it or how hot you think it is. Reach up and stroke the side of her face and hair. Take her hands and give them a gentle squeeze. You don’t have to do all these things and you don’t have to do them all the time. Just give her a few signs every few minutes and watch what happen immediately afterwards. First, her body will relax into what you are doing and then very quickly she will have a much more intense orgasm.
Source: Eng Hou, owner of Sex-Tips-Site.com & Getting-Chicks.com
Like most guys, I’m interested in sexual matters. Sex is good, fun and is one of the most wonderful human activities. A fulfilling, enjoyable and satisfying sex life can act as a sort of elixir in improving our health. It works the same way as an apple a day keeps the doctor away. I am not going to suggest to you how many times a week you should have sex. But I am going to tell you that a regular flow of enjoyable sex keeps the doctor away longer and poorer. I think governments of countries that have aging population should encourage their folks to have more active sex life as one of the ways to cut down on rising healthcare costs. While taking Viagra can give you an immediate boost in sexual performance and allowing you to have as much sex as a “Tiger”, I don’t think this is an option for everyone. Some of us may get side effects in taking Viagra. I advocate approaching this in a way that does not rely on pills, which is a slower but more sustainable. I am sure you won’t want to spend a good part of your fortune to “feed” those pharmaceutical companies which are always trying to sell you ever more expensive drugs. It is one of our basic human rights to have an enjoyable, drug-free sex life! Do you want to find out more on how you can increase the “flame of passion” in your sex life? Do take a look at http://www.sex-tips-site.com
[Via http://enghou.wordpress.com]
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