if someone below 15 is beside you while reading this line, do not continue and ignore the video. but if you think you’re cool and you can explain very well this post to him/her, better. continue reading and watch the embedded video.
don’t check your calendar, today isn’t February 7 yet (though i mentioned in my previous post that i’ll see you on the 7th). i just can’t stop myself from posting a serious entry. :|
the aids epidemic in the country is scaring me. i am not a victim; neither do i know any aids victim. gensan’s last count was 21. the country? i lost count.
so for the concerned readers of this blog, please do your share. buy condoms. for the girls, IUD is the best solution (inig utog dagan!). for the yoyis, aww, you take care of yourselves. :p
meanwhile, here’s a video for everybody to think about (and laugh). this video was shared by a friend over ym . i know this is worth-sharing. enjoy. be safe. spread the awareness!
p.s. pero sabi nga nila, wala naman daw talagang saging na kinakain nang hindi pa nababalatan. hay. i am excited to see you all on the 7th, still.
On the Cover: Jen Tells Brad She’ll Take Him Back!
Star Magazine
Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt shocked the world five years ago, when they ended their picture-perfect marriage. But now that Brad and Angelina Jolie have signed a breakup contract dividing their $350 million fortune, Jen is ready to forgive her ex — and take him back!
In the Feb. 8 issue of Star, we report that Brad and Angie have now accepted that it’s not a question of if they break up but when! Brad reached out to his ex for support — exchanging phone calls and text messages before an emotional face-to-face meeting at the Hope for Haiti Now benefit on Jan. 22.
“He knew she would console him, like she always did when they were together,” an insider tells Star.
And as they talked, Jen realized that she loves and misses Brad — and wants him back in her life.
“She’s never had a relationship live up to what they had, and now that things with Angie are finally ending, she’ll take him back,” says to a friend. The day after the telethon, Jennifer called Brad up and admitted the spark was still there, and she knows he felt it too. “The moment he and Angie make it official that they’ve called it quits, she’s ready to try again.”
What did Brad say when Jen declared her feelings? What’s the next step for the duo? Get the scoop — as well as all the details on Brad and Angelina’s split — in the new issue of Star today. Plus: A photo tribute to Brad and Angelina and their family: The way they were!
Don’t offer style advice where it’s not wanted, says Angela Buttolph
Scarlett Johansson once claimed to feel self-conscious around 73-year-old film director Woody Allen, because he hates all her clothes: ‘He hates everything I’ve ever worn. He’s extremely fashion-conscious. I would never want to go shopping with him; he’s too particular,’ she says. Oh, Woody, style me next!
There are few areas in life where the patently unqualified are so quick to offer advice. But, when it comes to fashion, every scruffy man in a zip-up jumper, blah jeans and bad brogues is the first to rush in with his opinion: ‘High-waisted jeans look like Mum jeans’; ‘Empire-line dresses make your waist look an inch below your boobs’; ‘It’s probably sexist, but men think women should carry small, ladylike handbags.’
When men start talking about women’s fashion, I get the same feeling I have on a girls’ night out, when our gossipy fun is interrupted by a couple of guys who think they’re about to make our night by chatting us up. Because why else would we be in a bar, unless we wanted to pick up men? And why else would we make an effort with our appearance, unless we wanted to pick up men?
I’ve compiled enough annual ‘best-dressed’ lists to know they bear no relation whatsoever to those lists of the world’s most attractive women in men’s mags. While you might covet the wardrobes of the Olsen twins, Kate Moss and Sarah Jessica Parker, men think the epitome of hotness is Jennifer Aniston, Gisele Bundchen and Jessica Biel. Women who are beautiful but whose wardrobes are, let’s say, not exactly inspirational.
Take Aniston. She wears clothes men can name in a single word: jeans, vest, boots, dress, top. Simple clothes that don’t require a qualification in pattern cutting to describe: ‘tulip skirt with a grown-on waistband and a peplum frill’. Her outfits aren’t themed (goth, boho, disco) apart from Healthy Californian, a look that endlessly appeals to men for its simplicity – it’s clean, fit, sexy. Never mind that Aniston’s wardrobe is boring. Boring to look at, boring to wear (she admitted recently that she still wears clothes from 10 years ago). As my friend, Andy, puts it, ‘Men can’t help having an attraction to that girl-next-door thing.’
In contrast, let’s take my all-out-foxy ensemble of skinny jeans, tuxedo jacket and high, patent platform shoes. It’s quite a catwalky look: leggy and sexy. It gets this review from Andy: ‘Those massively high heels, with big straps, can be intimidating. Worn with skinny jeans and that aggressive jacket [pardon?], any guy would think, “Okay, she doesn’t want to talk to me.”’
Few women would try to defend the outlandish style of the Roisin Murphys or Beth Dittos of this world. But no woman divides the sexes as sharply as Carrie Bradshaw. To us, her looks are inspiring; those prom dresses, the name necklace, the crazy bags. Every ensemble she wears is the sartorial equivalent of a girls’ night out; do what you like, show off a little, have some fun, who cares about men? And men hate that, because they know it’s not about them.
Of course, Carrie was the eternal bachelorette, but she also had Big. In many ways, Big is the ultimate ’suit’, but his love of Carrie’s kooky style speaks of hidden depths; of being able to appreciate a different aesthetic, of having an interest in current ideas, none of which are suggested by his pinstripes and odd bouffant hair. Also, he’s not threatened by her limelight-stealing outfits. Isn’t that sexier than the man who dates wannabe Hollywood clones in jeans and vests – the female equivalent of background muzak?
For men, every day is a comfortable-shoe day, clothes are to keep you warm/dry and are eventually replenished, rather than dreamed about, hunted down. The fact is, when it comes to fashion, men are simple. My friend, Vicky, has a weekend uniform of tight dresses or skinny jeans, tucked into high boots, and form-fitting tops that would get universal approval from the entire male population. I walked into the pub recently to see her surrounded by a crowd of shouting men that resembled a bad day at the stock exchange. Vicky had vaguely raised the idea of getting some harem pants, and all hell had broken loose.
But then one of the pack turned away in disgust to give my outfit an approving once over, before declaring, uncharacteristically, ‘You look nice.’ I was wearing a fringed scarf, cropped grey silk jacket, heels… And black harem pants (seriously, I’m not making this up).
Ask a guy about padded shoulders and he’ll be vehemently anti: too silly, too retro, too Pat Butcher (men always have a soap-opera reference for any look). But turn up in a foxy tailored dress with structured shoulders and he’ll fall at your feet. What men don’t understand is shoulder pads make your waist and bum look tinier in comparison. Or that high-waisted jeans make your legs look inches longer, or that a boyfriend jacket (dismissed by Andy: ‘too big, looks scruffy’) makes your arms look thinner (roll those sleeves up), and your dress look shorter (genius).
Guess what, women have spent a lifetime working out what flatters our bodies, so leave the fashion decision to us. Otherwise, a word of warning: if you will set yourselves up as experts on womenswear, we will have our revenge, by insisting we can’t go shopping without you.
New Line Cinema has shed light on the hope for third “Sex and the City“ film. Despite report which mentioned that they have expanded the franchise again by planning “Sex and the City 3″, Digital Spy claimed the studio’s executives have denied the news as their representative said, “This is not true.”On Wednesday, January 27, The Sun came out with report that the second sequel to this Sarah Jessica Parker-starring film has been worked on though “Sex and the City 2” has yet to be released. “There is also a third movie on the go. It’s under wraps for publicity reasons,” a source told the U.K.-based site.
The third film was additionally reported being shot back to back in order to outrun the rapid aging of the franchise’s stars. “It makes sense to film the second and third movies back to back. The characters will look a lot younger on screen when the third movie is out in a couple of years,” the source further claimed. “They’re keen to look as young as possible because that movie will be their last. They want to go out on a high.”
Taking place two years after the end of the first movie, “Sex and the City 2″ will see Sarah Jessica Parker’s Carrie Bradshaw Preston and her friends bring their glamor lives to a place that is far away from their New York City homes. However, official plot for the film has not been unveiled yet.
Beside Parker, Kim Cattrall, Cynthia Nixon, and Kristin Davis will return to the upcoming movie to reprise their roles as Samantha Jones, MirandaHobbes Brady, and Charlotte York Goldenblatt respectively. Featuring a cameo by Miley Cyrus, this drama comedy is set to be dropped in U.S. theaters on May 28.
Be the one who is always there.
The first one who give me what I need.
Who breaks the pattern i’ve built up.
The one who playfully makes my heart beat.
My first kiss with someone I actually love.
The one who makes my First Time special.
The boy who puts a smile on my face.
Who I can feel is so near but still so far away.
The eyes I see while wake up side by side.
This is a hilarious song, by the way. My son played it for me on his ipod and I practically died laughing. (Rumplesmoothskin!)
I cannot deny, however, that I like butts. Next to the vagina it is my favorite part of the female anatomy. These past few years, with the reemergence of the low cut jeans, butts are all the rage. I remember being in Jr High school in the early 70s sitting behind Shelly Skelton, who was wearing a pair of tight hip huggers. When she leaned over, revealing half of her ass crack, it kick-started my puberty.
That seminal incident took place some 36 years ago. Little did I realize that I would wait another 33 years before seeing another publicly revealed crack. (does anyone remember sweater-dresses?) But that dark age has passed and cracks are once again in full bloom!
A bass player friend of mine was explaining to me the other day that all cracks are not, in fact, created equal. He pointed out a woman wearing an exceptionally tight, low-cut pair of jeans sitting at a table near the band-stand. “Look at her,” he said, as she bent over to pick up a dropped fork. “There’s no crack. That’s because she has a small crack. ”
I had no idea. But then, it’s differences such as these that make life interesting.
Sunny Cruz is a stunning young lady, and I am only just now finding where Byron hid her! He’s a clever lad. Good with the mink habitat. Loves Mountain Dew. And he has the uncanny ability to unearth a treasure like Sunny Cruz.
“She definitantly wasn’t a virgin, you see how she dress?”
“My hymen is broken…does that mean I’m no longer a virgin?”
Like the telephone game most of us played as children myths about sex and virginity get passed down from one friend to another, to the point where women are ostracized, and guys are perpetuating ideas that further place them at a hierarchy over their female counterparts. FYI: JUST BECAUSE YOU FUCK A VIRGIN DOESN’T MEAN SHE’S GONNA BLEED A RIVER. I digress, but I do not understand why men, even collegiate men, nonetheless are passing around and choosing to believe these false notions and why do we as women allow them to continue these beliefs?
So my first sexual experience was with a close friend, I remember wondering if I should tell him that I was a virgin and questioning whether or not he would still want to go through with it. I told him and then while having sex he says, “Are you sure you’re a virgin?” I respond, “Yea,” in my head I’m wondering why the hell he is asking me this. He replies because he would be better off without a condom, as if I couldn’t become pregnant or contract a STI. Even after the sex he kept questioning my virginity because I didn’t bleed.
Fact: Not all women bleed after their first sexual experience. Secondly to get technical the hymen is a thin membrane that can be broken at any time in a woman’s life. Since menstrual blood comes out of the vaginal opening sometimes that can even erode the membrane aka the hymen. In addition the sex doesn’t always tear the hymen it can stretch it as well. Finally there are different types of hymen (illustrated below) and not every woman’s cherry will be popped so to speak.
So back to my story, after I inform him that the hymen can be broken at any time I tell him that he should know this since he wants to become a doctor, his rebuttal, “I don’t want to be a gynecologist.”
Opinion: Women have to learn about male anatomy then men should have and feel the need to learn about female anatomy. In addition if a guy is going to put into question a woman’s virginity then they should be questioning on valid information rather than myths.
There is such emphasis placed on virginity: guys wanting to sex the virgin because she’s tight, virgins bleed, virgins can’t get pregnant, women lie about virginity. However, men and women who choose to follow these beliefs continue to perpetuate the idea that women should remain virgins while men are free to sex as many women as possible, and women who too enjoy sex as much as men are considered hoes. And yet not many think about the heterosexual virgin who has had oral/anal sex with many partners… is she still pure because her vagina hasn’t been penetrated by a penis? Women who lie about their virginity buy into this idea of the pure virgin, and that virgins are valued more than non-virgin females. In my opinion virginity seems to be a social construct where women are expected to respect their bodies, hold off for that special one. Yet, men are not taught these same morals, men are free to sex whomever and numerous women creating a reputation of a “player”, “he know’s how to bag a girl.”
But let’s not forget the other side of the story what about women who prefer their first sexual experience to be with a guy who’s had sex before … someone experienced.
Fact: Just because a man has had sex before or with several women doesn’t imply that he’s a great lover especially when many women lie about the sex i.e. moaning when they aren’t enjoying it, stating that they enjoyed the sex when they didn’t.
This idea too permits men to be more sexually active. The point in my reiteration of this is because I would like to live in a world where I am equal to my male counterpart because that idea is unrealistic. We live in a world of patriarchy but we as women reinforce patriarchal notions. So all I can hope for is to begin with myself and spread the word.
I’ve always been good with words when it comes to women I’ve kept outside of the friends-zone. Perhaps in my younger years, it wasn’t as polished, but the affinity was there. Through experiences and traversing life, I’ve learnt much. There is something they say about guys that grew up in Orange County — that we are natural ladies’ men or players. I remember how women in both San Diego and Los Angeles would call us “Ricos” and “Mr. Right Nows.” I’d goof out and reply back that the only suave I knew was the shampoo that I use.
There was this one girl, who all the guys wanted. Beautiful, smart, and unmatchable. Every guy who tried to approach her got shot down in turn; there were certainly a lot of burning planes in that bone-yard swath around her as she walked in stride.
I had a quiet moment with her. My mind was confused and hyper. I’ve always been that reckless free-ranging guy. And here I found myself attempting feebly to chase this woman, with no sense of direction about how to approach the situation.
Perhaps stupidly, breaking the silent moment, I told her, “Baby, you’re just too beautiful to be wasted.” She took her head off my shoulder, looked at me with a quizzed look, and replied simply, “You’re wrong Jay. I’m never wasted.”
This threw me back into perspective. I thought about her comment thoroughly, and it burnt more fiercely because I knew it was true. And I came to believe that I do now, that a beautiful woman can always get a date if she wants to, the difference is that she’s looking for a good man.
A woman, beautiful, smart, confident in herself, truly a catch, isn’t hard to find, just like a good man isn’t hard to find. The problem inherent, is that we as people tend to look for the opposite of what we want. Or perhaps we don’t know what we want. But I think most people can understand and know what they don’t want in another person. The good die young, we become too jaded, too cautious, to see the goodness that’s right in front of us, and I think that’s really the main problem in relationships. People are naturally optimistic; we want to be a force for the greater good, we want to fix what’s wrong, to save others.
But that’s wrong. People cannot be saved, except through themselves.
Too often, I’ve watched my friends go with a less than ideal man, no, a boy-man, attempting to save him, putting their own feelings and life on the line. No matter how hard we fight it, knowing that it’s not good for us, people deviate back to wanting to make a difference in another’s life. To save them from the devil haunting their lives. Often I see women wasting a good portion of their prime years chasing a lost spirit, an ephemeral soul that cannot be caught nor tied down. And in the end, it only breeds bitterness when the woman comes to realize that it was all for naught.
“Never wasted.”
Nobody is perfect, and men should feel lucky that women even pay us the time of day at certain moments. I’ve seen odd behavior. The guy could be the not best looking man, or the wealthiest, or most stable, yet women have a certain goodness in them that allows them to see the greater good, the essence of men. Perhaps there is a certain quality, how he laughs, or his corny jokes, or even his silent solitude that attracts a woman. And I’ve watched, I’ve learned, I’ve analyzed. And sometimes despite a man’s personal failings, a good woman can pinpoint his best qualities.
A good woman; looking for a good man. Always able to get a date, but she’s looking for something very specific. Commitment, understanding, mutuality, love.
And knowing that, somehow I still feel lost in the crowd as it rushes by on both sides. I journey on, wondering about the one day, and forgetting about the what could have been.
Sunt Ezada si nu ma mai tin de dominare, M-AM ANGAJAT ! Lucrez cinstit, fac un ban chiar muncind la cersit ce e drept si asta imi aduce satisfactii. Cer scuze ca m-am dat Stapana. Am gasit ceapa verde si ridichi de luan la taraba. Acum cersesc cinstit cu laptopul in brate si pe site-ul meu propovaduiesc mantuirea ! Ascult Gutza si Salam si ma simt implinita.
Fostii mei sclavi mi-au dedicat melodia ce urmeaza!
Zana Zanelor – Florin Salam ! Va multumesc din inima !
Imi cer scuze dar promit sa nu mai scriu prostii. Multumesc celor ce nu ma suporta !
Make me stay and smile. Make me be more reasonable. Make me a happy person. Make me more understanding. Make me love you for who you are. Make me dance and sing when I think of you. Make me feel beautiful just for you. Make me an amazing lover, an incredible friend. Make more of a human being. Make me forget my mistakes and past resentments. Make me a free being to love and respect you. Make me yours every day, every second, in every action. Make me realize. Make me miss and admire you. Make me who I am and who I want to be. Make me with different materials. Make me from clay, from scratch, from water. Air. Make me in your saliva, in your pores. Make me aware. Make me yours.
Well it’s finally come down to the last episode of Jersey Shore. I really don’t know how it is I will get by once the finale is over. I hope that the season is released to DVD, packed with extra’s, bonus footage, “The Punch”, Tanning Secrets, and most of all pictures of how they got Amanda Bynes to look like Snooki.
Not Really……
Of all the “Reality Shows” MTV has spewed out over the years, this by far, has been a lesson in what not to do, and what not to watch. Granted controversy brings ratings. MTV wants an ass every 18 inches, side by side, glued to television sets and the web to soak up these kids as they can. Let’s not forget MTV is out to make money, and money they have made off these folks. But at what cost? Dell, American Family Insurance, and Domino’s pulled their sponsorship after Italian American interest groups were offended by the show. Even with those sponsors gone, the show, the cast, and MTV all still made money. That is the bottom line.
Anyone remember these guys?
The cast from MTV’’s The Real World?
This was the first and only successful experiment in “Reality Live Together Shows”. I wonder how they are? What they learned? How much money did they make? They seemed to be able to give the insights I was looking for into different cultures, different lifestyles, and did it all without being offensive to themselves first and the rest of the world as well.
Here is an idea for the title of the second season of Jersey Shore
Wait…..That’s kind of what already has occurred….
How is it a reality show when you out a casting call asking for “Loud, Opinionated, Tan, Young Drunks”?
So I’m trying to figure out how I can submit my portfolio to land this dream gig? I could run around the house naked, make smart ass comments, offend people, offend women, lose my self-esteem but never really lose it because I never had it to start with.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…What did Bob Say?
Alright maybe I’m being to hard on them?!? I mean they are young. So what they need is like a “House Father”. Here is my photo for official submission to the show. Ladies…..This is the “True Situation”.
I really think I’ve got a shot….I do. I could take care of them.
I guess the thing to do would be to ask a New Yorker about Jersey.
Well my friend….It looks like that has already been done.
All jokes aside. These kids will be one upped at some point. All shows are. MTV has a demographic they are appealing to. Some could say I’m just bitter, maybe even jealous. Hell, I’d like to have abs like that (Again?!?) but not at the cost of looking like an idiot on Worldwide Television, and unfortunately that is what MTV has done with these kids. But I wonder who is the bigger idiot….Them or Us?
This is an oldie but a goody. Why do I feel the need to share these things with you? Maybe it’s that it’s pouring rain today. Maybe it’s because you just sent me an incredibly hot story about us in the shower. Maybe it’s because you just offered to help me change my shower head if I let you watch me do what I do with it. I don’t know, but here’s one of my older adult fantasies. Enjoy…
Thank God for my shower room. It is incredible. It truly is a room, about the size of a large apartment bedroom, with a high ceiling. The walls and floor are a mosaic of black, gray, and copper slate. It’s my own private grotto. There are shower heads of all sorts lining the walls. There is no curtain, nothing at all to hide you should someone walk in.
When the lights went out I knew I would not be alone for long. I continued showering in the dark, waiting. Just when you think you can’t get any wetter. The thought of the unknown hands that would soon be upon me got my juices flowing. A moan escaped my lips. I quivered with anticipation. Then I felt him in front of me. It was so dark I couldn’t tell if my eyes were open, but I could feel him there. He was just inches away from me. Even with the hot water coursing down my body I swear I could feel his heat.
I hesitated for just a moment, expecting groping hands, but he stayed put. I resumed showering, wondering if he could see anything. I tilted my head back in the water from the shower head I was standing under then turned around for some shower gel. I heard him sigh when the pear vanilla scent hit him. Empowered, I ran the sponge all over myself, kept the hot water running over me.
From head to toe I cleaned myself, aware I was being watched, wondering how much he was seeing. And still he did not touch me. I wondered how much he could take. How far could I go before he snapped? Feeling devilish I reached for the shower head. I rinsed my hair thoroughly first, then adjusted the stream to massage my shoulders. My back still to him I brought the shower head around to my front. As the strong, steady streams of water hit my nipple, I moaned. My back arched slightly and I moaned again when the water hit my other nipple.
There was a moment of embarrassment when I realized what I was about to do. People came and went at the house. I had no idea who was around. My shower room was large and, at the moment, pitch dark. For all I knew the man standing inches behind me was not the only person in the room. I didn’t care. And I was curious about whether or not doing this would relieve tension or intensify it.
Teasing myself with the water, I slowly ran it down my body, enjoying the warmth on my belly, my hips, my thighs. Everywhere but where I wanted it most. And still he did not touch me. I could hear him breathing behind me. I thought he was getting closer. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I pointed the water between my legs, gasping as it stung my lips, my clit.
My back arched more sharply. All my muscles clenched more sharply. It didn’t take long. I had already been so excited. I could feel the warm tingling start within me and spread outward. My cries echoed around the wet, stone room, and I heard a broken moan behind me.
It all happened so fast. The water was still on my clit. When he grabbed my hips and bent me over I was still cumming. My cries turned to screams as he slammed his dick all the way into me. His dick hitting my spot while the water was hitting my clit was too much. My orgasm finished almost painfully, and you slid out of me. I was too in my head to understand what was happening. I was being turned around. Hands under my arms were lowering me to the floor.
A hand in my hair kept me from going any further than my knees. The stone bit into my flesh, but not too painfully. There was something pushing against my mouth, trying to part my lips. I instinctively kissed it. It was firm but petal soft against my lips. My tongue flicked at its head. I could taste myself. It made me want more. My hands went to his hips and I took him slowly into my mouth. My tongue stroked around and around the head as I sucked increasingly harder. Even as his breathing changed, telling me he was enjoying himself, his hands in my hair pulled me back up to stand before him.
Passionate lips crushed against mine. Tongues played, teasing each other. Teeth nipped at lips, as I was backed slowly against the slate wall. At last I could feel his body. Mmm, the heat of it. The steam in the room. The fine spray of water coming from shower heads above, plastering my hair to my shoulders and back. The hand reaching for my knee, lifting my leg to his hip. The feel of his shoulders as I braced my arms on them so I could lift my other leg. The small of my back being beaten against the stone as he pulled me onto him. The thrust of his hips against my ass as his dick slammed into me again and again. My shocked cry as I came again, hard. His groan as he emptied himself into me. And finally we sank to the stone floor, for the moment sated.
Now that I have you attention, what I meant to say is “Dr. Ruth Is About To Transform Washington To City of Love And Romance”. So, forget Paris!
Another Obama effect is hitting our Nation’s Capital next month. The kind of experience no Washingtonian has seen before initiated by the Administration. DC’s official tourism agency has launched a web site for a one month-long promotion, called “Date Night D.C” – a 28-Day Stimulus Plan for Love & Relationships. Translation: healthy shagging
The agency hopes to position Washington, DC as the city of romance and fun. And, guess who is publicizing it? Our beloved Dr. Ruth, the honorary secretary of the Department of Love and Relationships who will be sworn in this Thursday
With the Date Night D.C site, the agency intends to stimulate our local economy, to spark new romances, and rekindle relationships in the nation’s capital. If this thing flies, I have no doubt it will become an annual tradition.
The site has a “Create a Date’ feature and concierge service that help you plan a whole evening based on the kind of relationship you’re in and what kind of date you want (romantic, budget, wild card, etc):
Create-a-Date: A searchable database of more than 80 creative date ideas, a listing of the area’s top romantic spots, videos from couples who met, courted and married in DC and more than 50 “Date Night Deals” from local restaurants, tours and attractions. This feature will help you to plan outings with your girlfriends, boyfriends, families. Organized by theme and neighborhoods, date planners will find LGBT-centered dates, movie-themed dates and itineraries for politics buffs, movie fans, food and wine lovers and more.
Date Concierge: An option to call or email the “Date Concierge” who will book each element of your desired date, from hotel room to dinner reservations to car
So, those of interested, you should check it out and share your experience with others.
Those of you plan to visit Washington, DC, visit washington.org to plan your trip. .There you’ll find the latest news, events and happenings during February and beyond.
I am 37 and single, no kids and minimal attachment to anything. I am your proverbial bachelor. Now I have heard the whispers…”Oh at 37 and not married he must either be damaged goods, a jerk, gay, or all the above. Well, I really don’t consider myself damaged goods other than having my heart-broken once or twice and I pride myself in being “the nice guy”. And I am certainly not gay!
The saying is “nice guys finish last” but I like to say in this case “nice guys just take their time.” I am not a someone who hangs out like a bar fly at sleazy dark bars in dodgy areas of the city looking for a meaningless relationship. Nor do wear a sign around my neck professing my need for a woman. But I am just like every other red-blooded man out there with a decent heart and of decent character…looking for that certain missing piece of life’s mysterious puzzle.
So where do you meet women? Do you just dial-up Soulmates-R-Us on the phone and make a request for all the characteristics you find appealing and have that special order person arrive at your doorstep? I am laughing because I actually know of a man who has a mail order bride of 7 years now. Who would have thought, 7 years!? Seriously, where do real guys meet real girls?
If you are single like I am, man or woman, I am sure you have friends and family who like to intervene in your social life and like to make suggestions on how to meet that special someone. When you are in your teens and early twenties the places to meet people are exponential. Being young provides endless opportunities to meet someone at a club, study session, bar, class, intern program, or through other friends. But as you grow into an adult and responsibilities increase the endless opportunity begins to wither and you left with just a handful of places to meet your potential significant other.
So you take your 30-something self to church every Sunday and sit in the same pew like you do every Sunday. You feel comfortable sitting next to the blue haired lady on your right meanwhile keeping an eye on the pretty brunette in the third row. But is church going to be a potential place to find a woman? Sure she will likely be wholesome and likely perfect to bring home to mom but is it all a façade? Is she one of those girls who looks all sweet and innocent on the outside but is a freak on the inside? Or maybe she is ultra-conservative and will scoff at your bachelor ways? Is she expecting someone wholesome or even more wholesome than she is? Not to mention the religious aspects that enter the equation just because that is the common denominator between the two of you. But then again…a good girl is a good thing. Church can be a great place if you are up for the small hurdles that may come along with the situation. This is a flip of the coin?
As the economy takes a nose dive along with many careers young adults as well as older adults are finding themselves back in school. No it’s not the days of frat parties and keg stands but it is a valid way to spend quality time once a week with someone you are fond of, right? The upside to meeting someone in class is you can really bond with someone over time and there is zero obligation however the downside to meeting someone in class is likely they are a busy person and the last place she wants to be hit on is during her time of education. Be careful and don’t look like the class jerk. This could be a good place if you play your cards right and have some patience. Is the pretty professor single?
If you are lucky to have a job you find yourself walking through the doors of the same place every weekday earning a paycheck and more than likely there is a cute receptionist at the front desk that greets you or maybe its the new associate that was just hired that caught your eye. Sure, an office romance is easy. Spending 40 hours a week with possible lunches during the day and dinners at night can quickly escalate into a full-blown affair easy. But whoa buddy! Ever heard the cliché “never dip your pen in company ink”? Well there is a reason someone said that…I am sure it is because the man and his pen got tossed out on the street after being accused of sexual harassment. I will admit that my ex-fiance was someone I worked with and it turned out okay for the most part but dang you walk a thin, thin line.
You get this Facebook message reminding you of your class reunion and immediately you begin to fantasize of the girl who got away…well actually the girl who wanted nothing to do with you but you wanted everything to do with her. So you think this is an opportunity, huh? Well this is a toss-up too. More than likely the girl you thought was super cute is not so super anymore and the girl you ignored in high school will be the one that catches your eye the most but she will be married to some successful guy and it will be her that ignores you. Or perhaps you always had an eye on a particular person but you just never had the nerve to say a thing, a single word to let her know that you liked her but now its a bit late. Yeah..,that was me.
After a long day you feel the urge to burn off some steam so you head to the gym. You got your lucky sweat band strapped around your forehead and Loverboy is playing through your Ipod when you notice a girl jump on the treadmill next to you. Immediately you suck in your gut and stick out your chest in hopes that your 12 pack of abs is reduced to something near a 8 or a 10 pack. You notice her firm body moving in perfect rhythm to “Loving Every Minute of It” which jams through your ear. But you begin to realize that you can’t hold your breath and run on the treadmill at the same time. She looks over at your as your begin to turn blue like a Smurf. The moral of this encounter is if you want to meet someone at the gym be yourself if not it could kill you!
So your ego is busted, heart is a wreck, and you have nowhere to turn other than to a bowl of Chunky Monkey. You head to the grocery store and viola! There on aisle seven is a pretty blonde picking out a jar of spaghetti sauce. You and your bachelor basket mosey down the aisle and pretend to look over the same selection meanwhile investigating if a diamond shined off her finger. As you pretend to choose your favorite noodle you visually snoop through her groceries determining if there is a potential for a bus load of kids or some weird anti-fungal cream. Meeting someone in the grocery store is a valid way to meet someone but so much is revealed in that basket for you and for her. You can decide not only if she has kids but what her guilty pleasures are, her eating habits, is she a vegetarian? And by looking into your man basket gripped in your hand she can tell you are not so into your health with a gallon of Chunky Monkey and a six-pack of Bud waiting to be consumed.
So basically the world is your oyster as the old saying goes. Feel free to look anywhere to find that special someone who will fill your heart with complete happiness instead of pain and tears. I have tried it all and have become completely sold on the idea of chance or fate. So this nice guy chooses to finish last if that is what it takes to find that missing piece of my life. There is no need to rush or fret. Life is short, I know. But why live miserably doing so with someone you might regret. I just consider myself selective. I know what I want. Maybe its like Addison Walker said “It’s not true that nice guys finish last. Nice guys are winners before the game even starts.”
Attention to human trafficking has focused in recent years on sexual exploitation, but one of every five victims is estimated to endure forced labor in factories or on farms. The Obama administration has recognized that reality and is to be commended for bringing to justice two farm owners who conspired with others to hold 44 men from Thailand in forced labor through debts, threats and restraint.
Brothers Alec and Mike Sou, co-owners of Aloun Farm on the Ewa plain, pleaded guilty Wednesday in federal court to conspiring to commit forced labor. Each faces up to five years in prison for their roles in a labor trafficking operation.
The Justice Department should honor the Thai government’s request that it take care of the workers who were victims of the scheme. The workers, most of them married with children, secured loans to pay the recruitment fees, using their homes and subsistence farmlands as collateral.
Slavery became illegal in the United States 145 years ago, but President Barack Obama said in Tokyo two months ago that the industry has become a vast “transnational problem.” He urged countries to put a “stop to this scourge of modern-day slavery once and for all.”
The Sou brothers were accused of lying on visa applications to import the workers. California businessman Matee Chowsanitphon admitted having brokered the agreement in a trip to Thailand in 2003 and escorted the workers to Hawaii the following year for a price of $5,500 per worker. Once they arrived, the Sous took their passports, put them to work at paltry wages and restricted their contact with others.
“Holding other human beings in servitude against their will is a violation of individual rights that is intolerable in a free society,” said Thomas E. Perez, assistant attorney general for civil rights.
In the past fiscal year, his division brought the highest number of labor trafficking cases to court in a single year, according to a Justice news release.
“Labor traffickers prey on vulnerable victims and their dreams of a better life,” added U.S. Attorney Florence T. Nakakuni. “Those who conspire to hold workers in forced labor undermine this country’s promise of liberty and opportunity. We will continue to hold accountable those who seek to enrich themselves at the expense of the freedom, rights and dignity of others.”
Farm workers are especially vulnerable, since they are denied by federal labor law the right to organize and form unions or receive overtime pay, while minimum wage and workplace safety protections are hardly enforced.
The Sou brothers are not likely to be the only employers in Hawaii to have exploited foreign workers. The Justice Department should use the Sous’ case as a starting point for an extensive crackdown on employers that enslave their workers in Hawaii.
I saw this guy the other night, I could kind of tell from his messages he was kind of weird. I drove to his campus where he had an apartment, real small college up in the mountains. When I pulled up he was standing outside on the walkway, as I walked into his apartment I could see him shaking. He was obviously not right, I think he might have even had autism. He was talking real fast saying I look real different from my picture….which I thought was weird because the picture didn’t have my face and I still had my big coat on. He said that he was nervous and he kept on apologizing.
I asked to use the bathroom which was pretty dirty, I don’t know how those students could live in those apartments. The bathroom door stuck a little when I walked out and I heard hm run to the door and open it for me. He gave me the money and we headed back to the room. He asked to undress me, so he did (it took a real long time). Instead of pulling my shirt up over my head he decided to unbutton every single button then pull everything down instead of over my head. He stripped his clothes off and I could immediately smell him, it just smelled like stink, it was weird. He asked to suck on my boobs, I let him but it was more like he was trying to eat my boobs. So, I had to stop him and tell him to calm down with that. He asked to eat me out and to kiss, I declined both (especially the way he was smelling!).
He wanted me to get him hard to put the condom on so I started rubbing and stroking his penis. Then, about a minute later he said that was good and he asked me to put the condom on. I looked at his still limp penis a little confused but he wanted the condom on so I struggled but successfully put a condom on a limp penis. He wanted to do doggie style, tried to do something resembling putting his penis in then said he wanted me on my back. He switched back and forth between rubbing up against me and sucking on my nipples. He said he wanted to last the whole time so I though maybe he knew he wasn’t getting inside of me, or maybe that the candid camera crew was about to jump out the closet.
He wanted me to get on top after he clumsily laid on his back. His penis was still limp and his twin floppy bed a little awkward so I was hovering over him moving at first. Beside my legs I actually made very little body contact with him. He grabbed my boobs so I just started moving my hips slowly over him. He wasn’t making any noises or anything but I kept on putting the show on for him. I was thinking about what was wrong with him or that this had to be a joke, I wondered if he could even feel anything down there. But he held on to my boobs and I just moved along with him. Things slowly stopped, I didn’t even know he had cum. I got up and there was his limp penis still laying there wet with cum and the condom flopped to the side.
If only my job was always this easy. The whole experience took about ten minutes and or pelvic areas weren’t even rubbing on each other. He was making some small talk while I got dressed and he put on a new pair of underwear out of his drawer. He kept asking what college I went too not taking no answer for an answer so I told him a community college. He was 23 a junior or senior History major, he thought I was 21.
It was a weird experience but not the first time I’ve had an experience like this. The guy isn’t inside me at all but he acts like he is. I never correct anyone because I get paid if we actually have sex or not. I don’t know if they can’t feel it, no one ever taught them about sex or what.
Most men remain curious as to what turns a woman on. We all know which female body parts men most frequently like to explore during lovemaking. Do you know she has pleasure sensors all over her body beyond the usual areas (vagina, breasts and butt)? Getting her into the mood may be as easy as stimulating some of these often-neglected pleasure points. Incorporating the act of touching these places into foreplay and sex, or just giving her some pleasure after a hard day, will definitely “add sparks” to your relationship.
Let’s start exploring her from top to bottom:
(1) Hair
Women take a lot of pride in their hair. They like men to use their hands to stroke their hair. Let your fingers massage circles from her temples to the back of her neck.
(2) Lips
If you know how to manipulate her lips just through kissing, licking, sucking and biting, it is very possible that a kiss will lead to a lot more than that. Use your lips, tongue and your teeth to play with her top and bottom lip and kiss her with absolute passion.
(3) Ears
Many women enjoy having their ears licked, sucked or kissed. Touching, kissing and even lightly biting the ear lobes of your woman will make her feel special.
(4) Back of her neck
Once you can get to this area, place a few light kisses there. There is also a good place to start giving her some sensual massage that she can find it hard to resist.
(5) Collar bone
When you begin to undress your woman, you should take the time to kiss and lick her collar bone. The reason for this is because it sends the feel good hormones to her brain.
(6) Wrists
This may comes as a surprise to most guys but women love having their wrists nuzzled and nibbled by their lovers.
(7) Palms of her hands
Tracing your finger along her palm will give her some delightful shivers. This is a good way to start stimulating her and gradually bring her into the mood when out on the street.
(8) Breasts
The breasts are very sexually sensitive such that gentle fondling, squeezing, caressing, licking and sucking of the nipples can be extremely arousing. Depending on how sensitive the woman is, after stroking the nipples for a while, you can see them get hardened and erected just like penis.
(9) Pelvis
Kissing and licking around her pelvis will excite her until she begs for more.
Lots of women like it when you play around with their behinds. A lot of women like mild spanking and squeezing of their buttocks. But some women like having their butts lick and suck.
(11)Behind her knees
Most men don’t know that this area is quite sensitive. Gently caressing the back of the knee under her skirts while both of you are in a public place will make her ready for action once you reach home.
(12)Inner thighs
If you want to tease your girl before having sex, just focus on kissing and rubbing her inner thighs will turn her on.
Many women enjoy having their feet touched, massaged and some even enjoy having them licked and sucked. Women enjoy it when their men spend time caressing their soles, toes and ankles. Because these zones can be quite ticklish, the sensation of ticklishness can be quite pleasant for her.
The clitoris (which is a small protrusion just above the opening of the vagina) can be stimulated by using the tongue or finger. When a woman is aroused, blood will flow to the clitoris, making the protrusion more pronounced. In the vagina, there is the so-called G-spot that can produce intense sexual feelings when stimulated. It is located about 2 inches inside the vagina on the topside (near to the underside of her stomach).
These are the pleasure points on a woman’s body that can turn her on. Not every woman is the same. Some women have some preference areas that they like to be stimulated while others have some no-go areas. As you explore, you will learn which places your touch has the best effect on and which you should avoid.
The critical thing to remember is when it comes to sex, every woman is different. You can do everything right. You can make all the right moves with your fingers, lips and tongue and still not able to drive her crazy.
There are 2 things you should take note:
(1) Pay attention
When you try to find out about her pleasure points that are applicable to her, you shouldn’t just do it mechanically. You need to listen to changes in her breathing, the way her skin softens and her muscles tighten, the way her blood flushes beneath her skin in her face and breasts, the way she moans.
(2) Stay connected
She needs to feel connected in order to feel relaxed with you. Look up at her and make eye contact once in a while. Stop and tell her how much you are enjoying it or how hot you think it is. Reach up and stroke the side of her face and hair. Take her hands and give them a gentle squeeze. You don’t have to do all these things and you don’t have to do them all the time. Just give her a few signs every few minutes and watch what happen immediately afterwards. First, her body will relax into what you are doing and then very quickly she will have a much more intense orgasm.
Source: Eng Hou, owner of Sex-Tips-Site.com & Getting-Chicks.com
Like most guys, I’m interested in sexual matters. Sex is good, fun and is one of the most wonderful human activities. A fulfilling, enjoyable and satisfying sex life can act as a sort of elixir in improving our health. It works the same way as an apple a day keeps the doctor away. I am not going to suggest to you how many times a week you should have sex. But I am going to tell you that a regular flow of enjoyable sex keeps the doctor away longer and poorer. I think governments of countries that have aging population should encourage their folks to have more active sex life as one of the ways to cut down on rising healthcare costs. While taking Viagra can give you an immediate boost in sexual performance and allowing you to have as much sex as a “Tiger”, I don’t think this is an option for everyone. Some of us may get side effects in taking Viagra. I advocate approaching this in a way that does not rely on pills, which is a slower but more sustainable. I am sure you won’t want to spend a good part of your fortune to “feed” those pharmaceutical companies which are always trying to sell you ever more expensive drugs. It is one of our basic human rights to have an enjoyable, drug-free sex life! Do you want to find out more on how you can increase the “flame of passion” in your sex life? Do take a look at http://www.sex-tips-site.com
I’m having quite a time figuring this one out lately
We’re all stuck in the matrix. We have been so absorbed into the digital world that we can’t even figure things out on our own anymore. It has literally come to the point that even for basic life skills and experiences, you are not required to leave the comfort of your home to figure out or see. We, as digital beings, need to go back to the stone age, or perhaps even our infant years and touch the fire stove and learn that it is hot. Take a risk and suffer the consequences. Go skinny dipping. Hell, we could even just go outside for a bit.
The sheer number of pussies in this world can be demonstrated fairly easy using our easily identified, and fully praised overlord: Google.
The above images are real, folks. People are asking how to kiss, how to get pregnant, why they’re not losing weight, why they’re depressed, even going as far as to ask “why am I ugly?”
The answer to all of the questions asked above (except for the internet related ones) is simply: Go out and try it, thats how.
These people really need to be told how to live?
Well, I’ll be writing them an open letter right now.
Have you ever looked in a mirror before? Have you ever kept track of the things you do or say? Have you even once considered how much of a jackass you might actually be? If the answer is no to all 3 of those questions, then you just might be the hopeless sack of bones you make yourself out to be. Are you really so useless or incapable that the idea of going out in public and possibly trying something is absolutely horrendous to you? Then I do not wish for your well-being. Consider this: when you were a kid (if a behemoth, mouth breathing twat like you ever was one) did you figure things out by googling them? Probably not, at least, I didn’t. If we wanted to know about something, we’d go smell, touch, bite, throw, hit or grab it. If we didn’t care to know about anything, it wouldn’t have even stolen our attention for a moment. Now, instead of ‘discovering themselves’, we have people like you spending their time on the internet ‘googling’ their traits, problems and setbacks to figure out what’s wrong with their life. News Flash: Nothing is wrong, what you’re experiencing is a part of life. A part of life that you are now missing out on because instead of facing it, you’re reading about other people facing it, on the internet, at home, in the dark. Now it’s probably dawning on you that I am being very critical about your lifestyle, and its probably offending you instead of making you feel like shit. Maybe it is making you feel like shit, that would be good, considering you should feel like shit. You’ve essentially “cheated life”. Congratulations. You are a plague on the world itself, you do nothing but consume and you detract from the wellness of society overall. Your mind is simply a relay of whatever you read on the internet. In fact, you’re more of a robot than a person at this point. I believe I speak for everyone who isn’t like you when I say, “Come join us in the real world, but if you don’t want to, or can’t for some bullshit reason or disorder you recently discovered on the internet, then fuck off forever.”. We are human beings, we are not materialized wikipedias, we respond to consequence and reaction. We learn by doing, and from our experiences and perceptions of those experiences. If you do not want to “do” things, and instead you just want to read about them, then seriously… fuck off. How to kiss? How to get pregnant? Really? I’ll tell you what. You’re better off doing neither, because I’m imagining you look like a rhinoceros mated with jabba the hut and the comic book guy from The Simpsons, complete with double cleft lip and down syndrome, and aids. The reason you don’t know how to kiss, or get pregnant, or solve a rubix cube, or lose weight — is because you’ve never applied yourself to trying it, and figuring it out on your own. You are quite literally SKIPPING the most important parts of those things, just to ‘get them done’. Well, what’s the point? Like I always said, it is never fun to cheat in video games (unless we’re talking about GTA or the likes.. pure carnage rules) so why would it be fun to cheat in real life?
Since you’re so useless, I suggest you just combine your googling adventures and get it over with. Search for what you’re really looking for an answer for… In the meantime, while you’re getting in my way on the road or on the sidewalks, promise me you’ll never breed?
Go outside, do what you want to do, if something interests you, try it out, act on your primal desires. (I do not condone rape or anything of the sorts) To me, I cannot think of anything more important than every once in awhile, breaking free of the jail that is our digital lives and going out and doing the thing we like or want to learn more about. Laziness should not be an obstacle when it comes to seeking enjoyment. Laziness is what I consider “down time” from doing so many things we like. We don’t want to exhaust our resources of fun, after all. Laziness should not be the thing preventing you from doing something, it should be the thing you resort to after doing pretty much everything.
Want to talk to that cute girl? Do it. Want to learn how to ride a motorcycle? Go do it. Want to figure out how to kiss someone? How about you go and find someone who will actually kiss you first, and then do it. Want to know how to lose weight? Have you tried the obvious? Yes? Have you tried the obvious for an extended period? No? THEN GO DO IT.
Want to know how to get pregnant? Yeah, there’s no hope for you. Babies come from swans or some shit. Only the lucky mommies get them.
Also, if anyone who reads this knows someone who is caught in the digital world far too much, I suggest you get away from them. This shit is poisonous. Have you ever wondered why the internet is the host of the world’s dumbest shit? It is because, like I said, this shit is poisonous. Life is easier when you don’t have to live it. So, naturally, people are driven to ask the DUMBEST SHIT EVER. They have absolutely no problem with simply asking about it, instead of putting their pride or name on the line to see for themselves. Don’t see the problem with this? well fuck you.
Why did they name the show ‘Lingerie’? I mean I have been watching this show since this morning and I haven’t been able to figure it out.
Why ‘Lingerie’ ???? I can give several other more appropriate names. For starters, let’s say ‘No lingerie’…well most of the time or ‘Sex every five minutes for five minutes’ or ‘Every episode is a rerun of the first one’ or ‘We are learning permutations-combinations here’ or ‘Story doesn’t matter, only the sex does’ or ‘Naked playboy models try to act…LOL’ or may be ‘Just porn, nothing else’….btw god-awful writing and god-awfully awful acting…but the show rocks…at least that’s what it’s been doing to me since this morning…and yes, thank you utki. The girl in the picture is Lana Tailor, one of the cast members. With silicon customised jahoobies and total reluctance to wear any clothes whatsoever, she’s become my favourite character.