Sunday, November 8, 2009


I always tell people that I married my worst boyfriend. It’s true. Gordon sucked as a boyfriend. He was late almost always, he was inconsiderate, he never asked me to spend the night just asked me what time I thought I was going to leave. I did the “walk of shame” so many times it turned into a 5k. He was cheap. He would ditch me for something better in a heart beat. But, and this is a big but, I saw in him the potential that I had never seen in a guy before. I saw the dormant gentleman. He was in there, and I loved him. I also saw an amazing father camouflaged as a big kid and it was endearing. I fell for him the day he sang Hakuna Matata at the top of his lungs with my son.  I knew, screaming I love you’s at my front door as he drove away after a date, that I would marry him. Sweet Jesus on a donkey, that kind of makes me sound like a psycho. Anyway, the point is, my worst boyfriend turned into my best friend, my husband and my partner in crime. I can’t tell you why at that moment in my life I put up with such shit from a man, trust me, it was never my style . All I know is that what was unacceptable before somehow became tolerable, and out of toleration, came patience and from that came understanding. He made me better, he humbled me. I have never had Gordon on a pedestal, never expected more than what and who he is, he has held me in the same regard and that is why I think we work.


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