Saturday, November 14, 2009

Emily's List

The Coalition for the Defence of Human Life said it was astounded that Catholic health provider MercyCare invited Dr Carmen Lawrence to deliver the Catherine McAuley lecture on Nov 12 at Mercy Hospital, Mount Lawley.  They say that Dr Lawrence’s strong pro-abortion stance is at odds with that of Catherine McAuley- “a fine woman who founded the Sisters of Mercy to bring Christ’s mercy to the poor and the sick.

The Coalition says of Lawrence:

She is a co-founder of Emily’s List which aims to increase the number of Labor women politicians who will vote “pro-choice”, that is for unlimited abortion.

She voted for laws to facilitate the use of the abortion pill RU486 and to allow the cloning and destruction of human embryos for research.

As Minister for Health she used tax payer’s money to widely distribute a supplement to Cleo magazine which encouraged girls and young women to allow men to have anal sex with them as a means of avoiding pregnancy while keeping their male partners happy.

She is a self-confessed atheist who deliberately waited outside the chamber of the House of Representatives until prayers were over as “a small act of resistance to religious observance in politics” The Coalition for the Defence of Human Life asked people to protest at the hospital while Lawrence was talking.

Action: The Coalition asks people to write a brief letter to the Record (the Catholic newspaper which has already criticised this invitation)


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