Sunday, November 22, 2009

How To Treat a Woman

Todays devotional reveiwed the book of Ruth. This Bible story starts off with tragedy. Ruth’s husband dies suddenly and she is left in poverty. Her mother-in-law decides to move to a foreign country and Ruth leaves everyone she knows to go with her. Her famous quote is known “wherever you go, I will go.. and your people are my people.. and your God is my God…”

In faith, Ruth walked away from Moab.. and moved to Bethlehem.. Upon arrival, she began working immediately. She harvested the “scraps” of grain left over by the field harvesters and she worked all day and night. A prominent businessman, Boaz, who owned the fields was immediately smitten as he saw her laboring in the fields. Boaz had a reputation, unlike many today, not as a jiggelow..or a hustler..a snake..but was described as having “noble” character..

The dating scene today is much different than the story which unfolds between Boaz and Ruth. They did not meet in a chat room, a bar, a dating website, but “at work”..He was her supervisor “of sorts”. Boaz knew how to treat a woman..and win her heart..

First he immediately recognized the fact that she was “vulnerable”… instead of taking advantage of this he ordered none of his employees to take “sexual liberties” with her as she was a “foreigner”… He took his own advice as well.. and employed self control..

He then made sure her needs of food and water were taken care of while she worked in the field and told her to help herself with water that he really only provided for his full time employees…

He then began his research into finding out all about Ruth..he did not have a bio… or info on facebook to see her education level, and relationship status.. but asked others who described her as having noble character and leaving all behind to take care of her mother-in-law after her husband’s death.. Boaz was touched that a beautiful woman like Ruth.. would leave behind all she knew… to follow God’s will..

Boaz then complimented Ruth..not on looks.. or her work in the field.. but at her kindness towards her mother-in-law.. he said nothing out of the way.. or violating to Ruth’s character.. he respected her to much..

Boaz in the course of their meeting understood “gossip” and was concerned about her dignity being smudged by insinuation…… he did not want a pat on the back by his buddy’s.. or another mark on his score card.. instead.. he wanted to protect her “goodness”… he continually blessed God for her in his life..

After lavishing her with a large gift of barley in a poor economy at the time, he later paid a large sum which was the custom at the time for her hand in marriage…they would have a son.. who was in the same lineage of Jesus…. a chosen and blessed couple.. whom God chose to have His own Son to be a part of.. note (Rahab the harlot was also part of Jesus’s lineage)

God blesses a moral people.. not just physically and sexually moral..but a moral heart as well..

This is not the normal “love saga”. Pick up any romance novel on any shelf in America and the words will read much different than this story does.. Sex consumes America.. Our lusts consumes our life.. We do not employ self-control… We manipulate.. and prey on the vulnerable.. we attack the goodness of good people.. we destroy.. and conquer.. for sport.. and pleasure.. and our never ever satisfied.. we think that sex or a beautiful woman/man.. a stranger.. a foreigner.. will saturate our void… we throw all caution to the wind for a “whim”.. we are strategic professionals who throw all our education and training out the window.. for a taste of a poisonous apple.. we are trampled in our hearts and dreams by addictions and temptations that we long ago stopped denying..we destroy marriages, families, kids, and those who love us.. to embrace a stranger… we are so selfish… we are so needy..

we forgot how to treat a woman… we forgot how to treat ourselves.. we forgot..where we came from..we demand what we think we deserve.. we are so proud.. yet broken.. shattered.. insecure… we like Adam and Eve in the garden have seen our nakedness.. and clothe ourselves in leaves.. because we know the truth.. that we have done the wrong thing.. we try to hide from God.. and run away.. but He sees.. He knows.. this Christmas.. turn away.. RUNNNNNN… go back home… remember what you have been taught.. remember goodness.. remember kindness. remember forgiveness..

We are so desperate.. in need of a Saviour.. ask Him to do for you..what you… cannot..and He will….


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