Tuesday, November 10, 2009

737. Gender Differences Revisited — Group L

  1. Men know romance as whatever is required to initiate foreplay or sex. Women know romance as the attention he pays her when sex is not at stake.
  2. Men demand physical faithfulness in their mate. Women expect both physical and emotional fidelity but especially the last.
  3. Husbands enshrined at home stay at home. Wives that enshrine themselves at home grow bored with husband.
  4. Men fight best and work hardest for what they believe in. Women fight best and work hardest for who they believe in.
  5. Men see friendship differently. Women don’t fit a man’s mold of pure friendship, except when they are far removed from being a sex target.
  6. Women get upset and cry to release. Men don’t get upset by their own admission. They get frustrated, angry, and shift into battle mode without tears.
  7. Men resist change to their person and role, especially by a woman they have conquered. Women are much less sensitive and more flexible.
  8. Men shape their lives around thinking, substance, actions, and accomplishments. Women shape their lives around feelings, family, appearance, and relationships.

[Via http://wwnh.wordpress.com]

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