Thursday, November 12, 2009

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love rarely occurs.  In my experience, it mostly resembles the survival instinct that animals show for their young and sometimes their mates.  In social organizations like churches and Narcotics Anonymous fellowships, it also may sometimes occur.I think that it gets very wrong to assume that this is a state that everyone is capable of attaining at that when people talk about its occurrence, that it has a basis in reality.  My experience shows me that people are motivated by their imprints and survival instincts more than anything else.  Most of us operate via reciprocity and nothing else.  When we do something for someone, we expect something in return, or we get some kind of gratification from it.  To me, this negates all the hoopla about unconditional love in the vast majority of cases where folks claim it to be operating.

When an addict shares his experience, he gives it to keep what he has in his recovery.  This does not fit the definition of unconditional love.  It fits the definition of social reciprocity, and this, by consensus definition has positive consequence.

In the last ten or so years, in the NA fellowship of Phoenix, Arizona, we have seen some major shifts occur.  One of these has to do with the infection of religion and religiosity into the NA fellowship.  In the drive for social acceptability, too many addicts these days, seem to be going to church and embracing Christianity.  Their verbalization of this in meetings on a continual basis, has shifted NA away from recovery and toward, IME, an unhealthy reliance on a self limiting belief system.

Instead of developing healthy tools to deal with life, addicts seek the help of a non existent deity, whose characteristics as shown in the previous post, really don’t have much to do with free will and personal growth.

Instead of adopting a healthy belief system that addiction is not a moral dilemma, addicts stay stuck in the belief that they are immoral gutter snipes.   This perpetuates their sense of low self worth and desire to create and enjoy happiness.

Over the years, I have learned that life’s value comes from learning to recognize and experience happiness.  I am responsible to foster and create this state in my daily activities and while I may not get it accomplished constantly, I can have it most of the time when I create it.

A great deal of this has to do with not associating with people who thrive on negative states and are unwilling to get out of them.  I find that most Christians are very negative since they negate their basic humanity, especially their sexuality.  Furthermore, the Christians who express their sexuality openly express the worst kind of hypocrisies, in that once they do this, their dishonesty seems rampant in other areas.  Why, because Christianity is too inhumane and too idealistic to have real value in the world.  This is why so many wars have been fought in its name and to spread the evil that it represents.

After all, Christianity is based on lies, and the biggest lie, as the evidence clearly shows, is that Jesus never existed.


My next assertion has to do with practicing love.  Love is an action, not a feeling.  While sets of feelings may associate themselves with love, love itself is an action.  Showing love, giving love, and receiving love has our focus here.  These activities have motivations and the love is not perfect and usually has conditions and we think there’s nothing wrong with that.  In fact, we think that the sooner we grasp that and move forward with its realities, the better.

Have a great day!!


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