Saturday, November 7, 2009

"Combat Barbie" becomes new Miss England

I can only imagine what the Sun headline for this story might be. Suggestions below please.

Lance Corporal Katrina Hodge (pictured left and below), known in her unit as Combat Barbie, has been elevated from the runner-up position to Miss England and she will now represent her country at the upcoming Miss World final. Her elevation to the number one spot occurred when the original winner, Rachel Christie, resigned after she was involved in a nightclub brawl with Miss Manchester. (You can’t make this shit up.)  

Hodge, a sometimes lingerie model, has previously been posted with her unit to Basra. She lists randomly shooting at Iraqis as her favourite pastime. She prefers her men standing on a box with a black bag on their head and electrodes attached to their fingertips.

And as for World Peace? I don’t think so.

Now that's what I call supporting the troops!


And if there is anyone out there that doesn’t believe that women have the aggression needed for combat roles, take a look at this footage from a women’s soccer game in the US earlier this week. This is psychobitch stuff — punching and hairpulling and no red cards!




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