Sunday, November 29, 2009

Vayeishev: Language and Translation

Genesis/Breishit 39:2, 7-8, 10:

HASHEM was with Joseph [va'yehi* YHVH et-yosef]….
After these things, his master’s wife cast her eyes upon Joseph and she said, “Lie with me” [shichvah** imi]. But he adamantly refused [va-y'ma-ein***]….And so it was — just as she coaxed Joseph day after day, so he would not listen to her lie beside her [lishcav** etzlah], to be with her [lihyot* imah]. (Stone [bracketed material added])

And the LORD was with Joseph….
And it happened after these things that his master’s wife raised her eyes to Joseph and said, “Lie with me.” And he refused…And so she spoke to Joseph day after day, and he would not listen to her , to lie by her, to be with her. (Alter)

But YHVH was with Yosef…
Now after these events it was
that his lord’s wife fixed her eyes upon Yosef
and said:
Lie with me!
But he refused….
Now it was, as she would speak to Yosef day after day, that he
would not hearken to her, to lie beside her, to be with her — (Fox)

* forms of the verb heh-yod-heh/”to be”
**forms of the verb shin-kaf-bet/”to lie down down, to have intercourse”
***va-y’ma-ein bears the unusual trope mark, shalshelet [chain], indicating a particularly elongated enunciation.

10. to lie beside her, to be with her: A curious expression. Why does not the text say, as in v.7, “to lie with her”? There is an additional irony: “to be with” usually refers to God (see v.2, for example). — Fox.

7. Lie with me. The extraordinary bluntness of this sexual imperative — two words in the Hebrew — makes it one of the most striking instances of revelatory initial dialogue in the Bible….
10. to lie by her. The narrator, by altering the preposition, somewhat softens the bluntness of the mistress’s sexual proposition. This led Abraham ibn Ezra to imagine that she adopted the stratagem of inviting Joseph merely to lie down in the bed next to her. — Alter

8-9 But he adamantly refused. The adverb adamantly is suggested by the staccato and emphatic Masoretic cantillation of this word: the shalsheles, follow by a psik [disjunction], both of which set off the word and enhance the absoluteness of its implication. It indicates that Joseph’s refusal was constant, categorical, and definitive. — Stone

Please see Source Materials for full translation citations and additional information.

Click on the “WeeklyTorah” tag for more resources on the weekly portion throughout the year, or on a portion name for parashah-specific notes. (The series began with Numbers; posts for Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus are being drafted, week-by-week.) You can also zero-in on particular types of “Opening the Book” posts by clicking Language and Translation, Something to Notice, a Path to Follow, or Great Source in the tag cloud.
The “Opening the Book” series is presented in cooperation with the independent, cross-community Jewish Study Center and with Kol Isha, an open group pursuing spirituality from a woman’s perspective at Temple Micah (Reform). “A Song Every Day” is an independent blog, however, and all views, mistakes, etc. are the author’s.


Sexually Disturbed Man Actually Marries His Favorite Video Game Girl Character!!!

A man can legally marry a video game character in Japan….and there is actually a real live man, that wants to marry one!!!

The man who calls himself SAL9000 is set to marry his virtual girlfriend from a video game called Love Plus this weekend.

Sal9000 marries video game character

Sal9000 marries video game character...attempt to set world record for masturbation

CNN reports that…SAL9000  fell in love with one of the virtual girls named Nene Anegasaki and decided to marry her and take her on a honeymoon to Guam.

Since the girl doesn’t really exist, that meant he took his Nintendo DS to Guam.

Sal9000 plans on holding a public wedding and reception this weekend in Tokyo in a bid to become the worlds most committed masturbator ever, and by the looks of things, he is well on his way to securing that dubious distinction.

He is set to make a world’s record run at simulated sex with a simulated virtually un-real woman…now his wife.

BoingBoing has the details on the ceremony, which was broadcast live on the Japanese site Nico Nico Douga.

BoingBoing notes that the ceremony included an MC, deejay, and a priest. It kicked off with a sideshow of photos highlighting the bride and groom’s “special moments together.”

The groom, who calls himself “SAL 9000″, reportedly had a string of anime girlfriends before Nene.

I imagine if you can marry a fake wife, then you can only suffer the threat of a fake divorce…and you ensure the fact that you will never get her pregnant, if that is any consolation.

Sal9ooo met his fiance while playing the virtual reality game called Love Plus which is a little different type of dating simulations game;Love Plus requires players to take out the virtual girl on dates, buy her gifts and make their girlfriends happy like they would in real life.

I don’t get it,…if you have to do all of that, why not just go out and get a real live women.You will put in the same amount of work, but you have the added benefit of being able to feel and touch a real woman.

I am confused…maybe I am just old-fashioned.

The player can increase their abilities by studying, working out and solving problems of their virtual girlfriend, but if they fail to make their girlfriend happy, the game will restart after 100 days.

I am pretty sure that falling in love with and marrying your video game girlfriend is a sign of some sort of mental illness, and I do not mean to make light of it.

Hopefully his friends and associates will get him some help,…in the meantime he should unplug, go out to a club, and try to pick up some real women.

…Step Away From the Video Game…I know there are plenty of real women in Tokyo for you to get with,..I seen them!!!

You can even have her dress up like an Anime character if you like,…that might be fun,but at least she would be real…



Saturday, November 28, 2009

ne uitam la un film?

-Hai sa ne uitam la un film. Da’ nu in dormitor. Aici, in living, stii foarte bine ca in dormintor niciodata nu vedem filmul.

Pulp Fiction, un film superb, l-am vazut de vre-o 10 ori. Obisnuitele pahare cu vin. rosu, sec.

Primele 20 de minute din film le-am vazut. Nu mai rezistam niciunul. Imi plezneau pantalonii de pe mine. Pantalonii ei deja au zburat pe un fotoliu. O doream atat de mult. In timp ce coboram pe trupul ei, am dat jos paharul de vin. S-a stricat tot. Am fugit repede spre bucatarie sa iau un prosop si sa sterg. Pe drum spre camera, m-am intersectat cu ea. Era goala. Nu m-am putut abtine si am luat-o acolo. Am ridicat-o in brate si am patruns-o. Era atat de fierbine, de uda…eram mai tare decat o stanca. Tremuram de dorinta. Simtem ca mi se rup picioarele dar nu voiam sa ma opresc. Am sprijinit-o de peretele rece si am continuat sa o patrund tot mai tare.

In cateva minute am ajuns inapoi pe canapea. Picioarele mele erau mai obosite decat niciodata. Pentru a-mi reveni am inceput sa-i fac sex oral. Innebunesc cand vad ca se arcuieste de placere. Este cea mai erotica manifestare a placerii sexuale.

O tigara, o gura de vin. Sex oral finalizat in mainile ei. Imi place. E mai violenta. E mai vulgara dupa doua pahare de vin.

M-am trezit pe la ora 11 si m-am apucat sa adun de prin camera. Ambalaje de prezervative, butelii de vin, paharele de vin, mucuri de tiagari, ambalaje de ciocolata. Am baut impreuna cafeluta, am mancat o omleta si a plecat.

Ne vedem diseara.


مجله کتابچه همجنس من (مرد با مرد )gay(گی)شماره

مجله کتابچه همجنس من (مرد با مرد )gay(گی)شماره 3


گرایش جنسی صادق هدایت,  سلطان محمود وایاز,  سکسشوالیته, و…

دانلود مجله کتابچه همجنس من (مرد با مرد ) شماره 3
