Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Why I'm here

I’m sick and tired of the witnesses the wussification of American men. For the entirety of human history, men have run the show. That’s not coincidence. It’s not specific to any culture, but has remained a steady fact for thousands of years across the globe.  There are many reasons for this, and I’ll delve into them as appropriate.

To begin with, we need to all understand a truism: Men are men, women are women. Men can not, by definition, be women, and vice verse. If you think you’re a “woman trapped in a mans body”, you’re an idiot. An idiot who is too scared of the world to face it like a man.

What is a man? A man is a dominate force that faces reality head on. A man protects what matters to him no matter the cost.

What is a woman? A woman is a submissive force. They bring tranquility and balance. If a man is a storm, a woman is a calm breeze. A woman is to be protected by her man (whether husband, boyfriend, father, etc) and in exchange must (yes, must) respect and obey him. It’s a symbiotic relationship.

Right now, that relationship is completely out of whack. You know what happens when you have 2 people trying to drive the same car? People. Die.

So, over the next however the hell long it takes, I’m going to teach men how to garner their woman’s respect and obedience.

What I’m not here for: To be a hatemonger. I do not, I repeat, do not, hate women. In fact, I love them. And, it is as much for their benefit as for men that I’m doing this. They deserve to be respected, cared for and protected. But, they have to know their place. A ship can not have 2 captains.

Feminism is a scourge, a failed experiment that has benefited no one. It’s hurt women immeasurably, and it’s time for everyone, man and woman, to rise up against it.

Let the counter revolution begin!

[Via http://checkyourhos.wordpress.com]

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