Sunday, March 21, 2010

Three Weeks

Part 4

Trying to forget

Three God damn weeks and nothing.

Not a text, phone call, no email, nothing.

I’m not about to break the no connecting first rule just yet, but it doesn’t stop me from getting obsessive about checking my phone. Doesn’t stop the dreams from coming. Every night. I’m infuriated with myself for letting him get to me like this, for even thinking that I was going to be more than a weekend of pleasure for him. Thinking about it he’s probably got girls scattered everywhere the bastard. So on we go, trying to get back to normal after meeting the best fuck of my whole damn life so far, and that’s not easy.

I work in a small office in the City, most of the girls work in the type pool, I’m a PA, and my boss is a jackass. Not to put too fine a point on it, he’s old enough to know better. I’m the only PA he’s had who’s lasted longer than three weeks. That’s because I don’t let him get away with anything. And keep commenting on his wife and children. That usually brings them back to the real world pretty quickly.

Anyway, this morning I arrive in early take my position in front of my phone and computer and order coffee for the meeting at ten. It’s empty at this time of morning just before eight. Dreams woke me up hot and bothered before six, so I took a run through the local park to de-sex myself before work. It’s now seven twenty. I drift and think of X, I feel the small fair hairs on my thighs react to the vision in my head of his fingers on me. And then I am ripped from the moment from a loud grunt from my boss’ office. I sit in silence a moment in panic thinking what to do when someone has a heart attack, because that’s what it sounds like.


Strained breath.


Fuck, why me? I don’t want to touch him let alone give him CPR.

Tentatively I get up and press my ear up against the door of the office, the glass surrounds are covered in blinds which are all drawn.


Either he’s close to death or being strangled alive.

I burst the door open and it takes a while for my eyes to adjust. But the do.

What I see before me is the office junior, butt naked bent over the desk. She’s twenty, maximum, incredibly skinny but gorgeous in a fragile way. She has one hand in between her thighs, the other still tugging her non existent breast. And him, stood there behind, grunting pants around his ankles, sweat dripping off his face. Grunting.

I’m quite aware that my mouth is wide open at this point but I can’t quite get my jaw to listen to my brain and shut up, so I raise my hand to cover it up instead. She has noticed I’m there but he is past caring and makes the most hideous squealing noise, and releases  into her. He then coldly asks her to “go clean up” and she squirrels away getting dressed quickly looking at me all the while.

He simply hocks up his old man pants and Closes his zipper, completely unabashed that I’ve just seen his cock and will mortify me for life.

“Discretion Miss Woo, is the better part of valour.”

I get it, he wants me to keep my mouth shut? Well it will be interesting to see what he does about my pay rise at Christmas. I nod, still unable to remove my mouth from my hand or close my mouth. I can do secrets, but I will tell a few select friends, of course.

I return to my desk, and glance over the face of my mobile. Used to seeing nothing there, I switch on my pc and do a double take. The screen is flashing with an alert. 2 missed calls and a text. No voice mail. I grab it and run to the ladies where I find junior patting her face with tissues. I run to the fist free cubicle and take a seat.

“Tried to call, things difficult here. Will call soon. X.”

Soon is never soon enough.


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