Saturday, March 13, 2010

Whatever it takes... – Prelude & Topics for 2010

I haven’t written in a really long time. I guess you could say I have ‘writers block’. I feel like a half full tomato ketchup bottle with a clogged up neck… there are words waiting to come out, but they’re stuck.

Sometimes I’m lost as to where to begin, and at night I lay wide awake with a running commentary jogging through my mind, thinking about things I can write about and is it funny… is it appropriate?

Since my break up last year I have been lucky enough to have ‘dated’ three new guys; the guy that doesn’t want a relationship, the sex addict and the best friend.

Who knew there were so many different types of men or even ‘dating rituals’ that we go through?

With a lot of my dates I could see that they were using ‘tried and tested’ methods of seduction… and sometimes, I even let them.

Anyway, enough rambling! Topics for the next few months are-

  • Types of men
  • Dating rituals
  • Predictability in the bedroom
  • Playing the dating game
  • Tried & tested
  • Money makes the world go round?
  • Sex and methods of seduction
  • Intuitive leaps – jumping to conclusions
  • Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • I have needs!
  • Make love to the camera baby
  • Ever mine, ever thine, ever ours
  • Does he make you laugh? He doesn’t make me cry…
  • Aka ‘just me’
  • Bridget Jones
  • It can only get better with time
  • Wanderlust
  • How well do we ever really know someone?
  • Nothing is ever really finished.

See you soon ma chérie xoxox


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